Chapter 9: Ferris Wheel

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We sit down and we are dangerously close. His leg is touching mine and I could swear I got goosebumps. It takes us up and the sight I see is unbelieveable. The sky was beautiful and all I wanted to do was look into Yoongi's eyes. This would make a great first kiss. But, Yoongi has shown no sign of interest in me. Asking me if I was ok, he could just be being nice. He may seem cold but I know he has a heart.

We went around a couple times before we stopped at the top once more. The sight of the park and sky was breathtaking. We sat at the top for longer than I thought we would. I glanced downward to see people circling. All the guys were still on the ride but closer to the bottom. My imagination went wild for a second as we jerked backwards a centimeter. We were still stuck at the top and now everyone in the park gathered around. I clinched my hands to the pole. It was cold and not very calming.

I wasn't very scared but we can't get down. You know how high this is? How long are we going to be up here? Millions more of these questions went through my head and I must have showed because a warm hand was placed on top of mine. I snapped my head to see Yoongi looking down at the crowd but his head ever so lightly on mine. I loosed my grip on the bar as his warmth told me it was ok.

They were getting the people closer to the bottom off but we were at the very top. Of course like I said anyone I try to get close to ends up hurt in some way. Now who knows how long we will be up here. We may starve.

I move my hand from underneath Yoongi's hand. I hold my two hands together and crush them in my lap looking down. "Are you ok?" He asked. I nodded yes but it was a lie. "We are probably going to be up here from a while." He adds.

I look down once more seeing the guy at the station that runs the wheel. He was saying something but I have no idea what it was. He was yelling something. I was in the middle of a thought after he yelled once more and my stomach left my body. It was big drop before we came to stop. I clenched on to something and screamed a little before we stopped. Once we stopped I stopped screaming. We weren't at the top anymore but we weren't at the bottom. More like the center.

I was still holding on to dear life to something. Something warm. I jerk back to my spot as it moved. Oh my gawd. "I-i'm sorry." I say turning the other way and blushing. Of course I was holding on to Yoongi. "It's ok." He says but I don't look at him.

They get more people off and all that's left now is two other people, Jungkook and Taehyung, and us.

This time could hear what the guy was yelling. They were going to do another big drop and that's when the last couple of people would get off. Ok now I have to mentally prepare myself. Yoongi heard to and just sat there. God how can he be so cool. I clench onto the bar and close my eyes tight just waiting.

A hand grabs me and takes me by surprise. It was Yoongi. "It's fine think of it as a roller coaster." He said still holding my hand but now looking forward. I loosen my grip on the bar and continue to hold his hand. I felt my cheeks get warm but I looked forward so he wouldn't see.

A couple seconds later it drops and I squeeze his hand tight. It stops again and he takes him hand back rubbing it. "I-i'm sorry." I say realizing I hurt him. "I didn't think you were that strong." He says chuckling. I smile.

They open our bar and we both get down. We find our friends in the big crowd. Ina comes and squeezes the life out of me. "God Y/n don't you ever do that to me again! I was dying." She yells still hugging me. She whispers something in my ear. "I also saw you and Yoongi. Score girl. Don't worry the guys didn't see, they are too blind I swear." She lets me loose from the hug and laughs a little.

"Ah y/n weren't you scared?" Jungkook asks.

"Terrified yet Yoongi seemed so chill like this happens everyday or something." I say glancing at him. He lets out a little smile before going back to cool Yoongi.

Jungkook laughs. "Yeah hyung is like that."

"He probably laughs at his nightmares." Taehyung adds

We all laugh at Taehyungs comment and even Yoongi gives a little smile again.


We all got in the cars except Jin took Yoongi and I home first then Ina. Once they drove off Yoongi went to walk into his house and I went to walk into mine. I glanced at him under my hair and went in.

"Y/N! Where the hell have you been! It's 10 at night!" A female voice yells.


I have no idea what to say today so...yeah
Have a good day or night

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