Chapter 4: Questions with Answers

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"Hurry up." Taehyung yells at Jungkook as we walk to a near by cafe. Jungkook smirks and runs and jumps on Taehyung's back. "Ah, Kookie when did you get so heavy." Tae says trying to insult Jungkook but Kook is the king of insults. "Since you got so out of shape." Jungkook fires back. We all just laugh at the funny pure stupidity of these boys.

We make it and Namjoon is about to throw Taehyung and Jungkook into a hole and leave them there from their bickering and like I said pure stupidity. I thought it was hilarious.

We walk inside and all take turns ordering drinks. They guys pay for them and us. After many times of going back and forth we gave in and let them pay. We get our drinks and all huddle in a booth in the back. We all take our seats. It went Namjoon, Jin, Ina, Me, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and finally Jungkook.

"So we should get to know each other better." Jungkook says. We all nod. "Ok does anyone want to ask any questions?" He ask for volunteers.

"I have one." Taehyung says. "Does anyone think Jungkook is stupid."

"Hey that's not a fair!" Jungkook complains like a little kid. We all laugh. "Ok Ina and Y/N do you guys have boyfriends?" He ask.

"No." I say.

"Nope." Ina seconds. "You guys in a relationship?" She ask back.

They shake their heads no.

"Um, how long have you lived in Seoul?" Taehyung asks.

"My whole life." I answer.

"5 years." Ina states.

"Cool. Well you guys know we just moved so." Taehyung adds. "Jimin you turn."

"Yeah can we get your phone numbers?" Jimin asked

We all asked and answered questions. Well all except Yoongi that just sat there and watched. We all extanged phone numbers. It got kind of late so we decided to leave. He all said our goodbyes and hugged. Jin was going to take Ina, Yoongi, and I and the others would go with Hoseok.

Ina sat in the front with Jin which meant me and Yoongi sat in the back. Together. The whole car ride I just stared out the window. My hands are sweaty and I don't know why. I was falling asleep when we pull up to the house. We all get out except Jin. We say bye and Yoongi walks into his house. Jin drives off and we head to the door. Once inside we pile in upstairs. It was Friday after all.

I miss my parents. A lot. This house doesn't help. Constant reminders of memories.

Ina comes out of the bathroom all ready for bed. I was sitting by my window starring at the bedroom next to me. "Stalker much." Ina says.

I shot her a glare and all she does is laugh. "His bedroom is empty anyway." I defend.

"Yeah but by the time you actually go over there you will know his room like the back of your hand." She jokes.

"Oh screw you." I jokingly say. She laughs and my attention goes back to his room. A figure is now lying on the bed. He sits up and looks upset. I want to go comfort him. But...

He paces back and fourth for a little bit before lying back in his bed. He gets up once more to turn off the lights then black. I can't see anything. I stared out the window a little longer until Ina was completely ready. Not necessarily staring at his room but every now and then I would because. It might just be me but, I could swear I can make out a tall figure sitting by the window but it was so dark I wasn't sure.


Ina finally comes back in my room. "God what took you so long?" I ask her

"Oh I was on the phone with Jin but then I got scared and told him you needed me and rushed up here." She explains all in one breath.

I laugh. "Oh girl you have issues."

"I know. What should I do. I really like Jin, I just..I just wish he could have came later so I had time to get over cheese." (Cheese is what we call her old boyfriend so we don't have to say his name) "I really really like him though and I don't want to let him go it's just hard to trust him. I think he sees it too." She says very concerned.

I get up from the window forgetting all about the figure and go sit by Ina. I place my hand on her shoulder and she lays on mine. "It will be ok. Honestly if you want to get anywhere with Jin you need to tell him and what happened and what you are feeling. He is different and I know it. He will stay by you and help you. That's how he is. I am pretty sure you figured that out today." I say trying to show her the other side of things.

Sometimes all you need is another point of view.

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