Chapter 2: Friends?

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The bell rang and I walked out of the classroom. I figured Jungkook would have just forgot about me but he caught up with me. "Hey you just left me." He says with a little bunny smile.

"I didn't think you would want to walk with me." I say with a little smile.

"Why wouldn't I walk with my new friend." He says "Plus my old friend is no fun."

Friend? I also noticed Yoongi walking beside Jungkook. Oh crap. Hae is walking up to us.

"Hey guys." She says with her fakeness.

Jungkook quickly answers politely. "Hello."

Yoongi doesn't say anything.

"Y/n you didn't tell me you were friends with the new boys. We should totally hang out sometime." She suggest.

"You are friends with y/n?" Jungkook asks.

"Oh yeah me and y/n go way back." She says still with a fake smile.

Yeah way back my ass.

"Ok." Jungkook says with a smile. "We have to get to the class though so see you around."

"See you around." She says twinkling her fingers bye to him.

It made me wanna throw up. She finally left and so did Jungkook. He had to go to his next class. I guess Yoongi is in my next class because he continued to follow me into my next class. He didn't sit by me but he did sit in the back.


My whole day was finally done and Ina didn't come to school today so I was alone for almost all my classes, I hope she's ok. I had two classes with Jungkook, 4 with Yoongi, and some with the other new students. (They take 7 classes each day) So they made my life interesting today.

I made my way to my locker just fine. When I was done Jungkook was walking over to me. "We should hang out tomorrow." He says

"Ok." I say. I am surprised he still wants to know me. "Is ok is Ina, my best friend joins us? She wasn't at school today but I think you will like her." I say with a warm smile.

"Yeah. That sounds great and what about that one girl that talked to us in the hallway she said she was your friend?" He asks

I love his innocence. "Um no. I would rather keep my distance from her. She's not really my friend." I say looking down but back up to see Jungkook a little confused.

"People can be so stupid." He says before waving to me. "Bye Noona!" He says with his bunny smile and walks down the hallway with Taehyung. I have a class with him and Jungkook and they act like toddlers. It's hilarious.

Noona? Oh well I am older than him. It's kind of cute, he's like the little brother I never had.

I walk out of the school and get a notification on my phone. I stop and my hopes are it's my parents saying they will be back soon. I open it and I think it's Hae. How did she get my number. Hoe. It what it says.

Just as I look up a cool liquid is poured on my head and it falls to my face. My clothes become wet and cold as laughs of everyone around me fills my ears. Out the corner of my eye I spy Yoongi. Even more embarrassing. Hae comes up to me. "Stay away from the new guys got it slut." She says sternly. I don't respond and walk home.

I hold my arms together. It may be summer but that water was cold and I am cold. I was almost home and I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly glace to see Yoongi walking behind me but he had his head down so he didn't see. Is he following me? I turn to my house and he keeps walking. He enters the house next to mine. He must be my new neighbor. Great.

My parents are still not home. I went up to my room and changed into dry comfortable clothes. I open the curtains because I needed some light. As I do, across in the other house is Yoongi. What looks like his dad was yelling at him. He just stood there. I started to close the curtains but then his dad slapped him. I was in shock. Yoongi didn't do anything just fell to the ground and stayed their. I stepped away from the window to where I could see them but they couldn't see me. He dad came over to his window and closed the curtains and I didn't see anything after.

Questions, concerns ran through my head like they were in a marathon. What the hell just happened.


I had already ate dinner and was ready for bed. I sat at my window reading my book on Wattpad. Yoongi's curtains were still closed. I secretly wished they would open. I sat there for a little while longer. My book was filled with heartbreaks and romance. The kind I wish I had. I chuckle to my self a little thinking that. I placed my phone down starring out the window. The night sky was lit up beautifully with the stars and the moon combined. As I do I remember something my mom told me, back when she actually cared about me.

Stars are like people, they are all there for a reason no matter how small that reason may be.

I quickly come back to the real world and notice Yoongi's curtains are now open. Our eyes meet for a second before he glaces away and his curtains close again. Was he starring at me?

Hola. Yes I am taking a Spanish class and yes that is about all I know 😁

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