Chapter 3: Deny

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Life hits in many unexpected ways. I woke up in the morning and did my usual routine. I walked out of my house. Still no parents. It's only been a week but they are always gone and it feels like forever.

I turn to walk and see Yoongi. He walking to. He quickly pulls his jacket on and sleeves down. I quickly glanced and glanced away. I noticed bruises and cuts on his wrists. Is he ok?


I made it to school and to my locker. Yoongi had gone and found the others. It was still fairly early yet I had gotten all my things together. I stopped by the bathroom before class because I had enough time.

I just walked out when Jackson pushed me against the lockers. Hae just stood there in frustration. "Little miss whore.  How are you." She says not actually caring. I try to escape but am pushed backwards by a fist to the stomach. As I flung backwards I nailed my hand into the lockers causing it to bleed. "This bitch thinks she's tough huh." Hae acts like she's just getting started. Jackson, Hae, and her posy all take turns kicking, punching, and throwing mean words at me.

When they were finally done I hurried into the bathroom and cleaned my self up. I looked like nothing had happened except my wrist and the actual pain that was inside me. I had bruises and cuts on my arms, stomach, and legs. But it was all covered up. I quickly grabbed my books and rushed to class as it started in 5 minutes.

I made it with 3 minutes to spare. I quickly sat down and held my wrist so on one would notice or ask.

"Where were you?" Jungkook asks.

"Uh sorry I slept late." I say and he bought it but I glanced at Yoongi who was listening. He didn't buy it one bit but he didn't say anything.


Lunch time finally came. I got in line this time with Ina. After we go and sit at our normal table.  Not long after Jungkook and his gang come. "Hey Y/N."

"Hey Jungkook."

"Do you mind if we sit with you guys?" He asks

"No it totally fine." I assure him.

"How did you get such good looking friends without me?" She whispers to me. I laugh

"So this is Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, and I am Jungkook." He introduces everyone. Mostly for Ina. "Guys this is Y/N and."

"Ina." Ina says smiling. 

They all smile and wave. We return the gesture and continue with lunch.

"Just remeber we all hanging out today." Jungkook says as lunch ends. We all nod and he walks off with Taehyung. We still had a couple minutes of break time left.  Ina and Jin walked off as they both like a lot of the similar things and I think both found each other attractive but Ina denied it. Hoseok and Jimin were being stupid then went off trying to catch up to Taekook. (Or VKook whatever you prefer) That just left Yoongi. He dumped his tray and walked off. I didn't see were.

I didn't feel like going with any of the guys and I didn't want to intrude Ina and Jin so I just walked down the hallway and to my locker.

I hadn't made yet when I feel a tap on my shoulder. It wasn't like Jungkook's it was different. I turn around to see, Yoongi? "Uh, y-yes?" I ask stuttering. I sound so stupid.

"Um, if you don't mind me asking. Why were you really later to class than usual." He asks as if he had known me my whole life.

"Ah, I slept late." I say hoping this conversation would end forgetting he saw me this morning.

"Ok." He says turning.

"Yoongi." I say. God why when I even just say his name my stomach feels like running. He turns back around. "A-Are you okay?" I ask.

His eyes widen before nodding. "Yeah."

I didn't believe him but I let it go.

"We should get to class." He says turning once again to walk to his locker.

I nod and let him go. I honestly almost just told him. No one except Ina has even asked if I was ok. I wanted to tell him. Half of me begged me to. But I didn't. Him walking away felt like I let an opportunity fly away. Sometimes the better things aren't made for you.


Class started and Ina is sitting by me and Jin. It's the only class they have together and of course i'm in it to. Fun. I chuckle to myself. Every moment they had they spent time getting to know each other. However I knew there was one thing holding Ina back. Her old boyfriend. She would have trust issues. I would help her though and so would Jin. He's great guy like that.


School finally ends and Ina makes it to my locker. I tell her about this morning before the guys get there.

"Could I spend the night with you tonight?" Ina asks. "I want to talk more about..." She doesn't finish.

"Jin." I bluntly say.

"Yeah you noticed?" She asks concerned.

I nod "Yeah, plus i'm lonely."

"How are you lonely when you have your Jin right next to you." She says.

I roll my eyes. She thinks I have feelings for Yoongi. Honestly I think I do to. But I deny them because. I'm scared of them.

Confession. I have never been in a relationship. Single forever man

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