Chapter 12

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Two days later

"It still going straight to voicemail ?" Treasure asked me.

"Yes." I said, throwing my phone on the couch.
"What did Chris say ?"

"They haven't heard from him, last seem him was two days again."

"Oh my God. Answer the phone August." I said, dialing his number again.

"Amber calm down okay. I'm sure he's fine, just don't worry yourself on this."

"I can't calm down til he answer this bitch ass phone." I scolded.

"Your working yourself up over this. August is fine, he'll call."

"Fuck that." I said, dialing his number again but this time it's ringing.
"It's ringing."

"See, I told you."

"Helluh ?" August answered, in a sleepy voice.

"August ? Where the hell are you and why haven't you been answering your phone ?!"

"Amber ?"

"Yes nigga Amber, who the fuck you thought I was ?"

"Baybeh I'm so sorry-"

"Where are you August ?"

"Um baybeh lemme call you back okay ?"

"Hell nah" I scolded. "August you got me fucked up, where the hell are you ?"

"Amber baybeh I'll be home later, I have to go I'll explain later." He hung up.

"August don't you- ughhhhhh fuck !" I yelled

"Where is he ?" Treasure asked.

"I don't know, he wouldn't say."

"That sounds kind of funny."

"Exactly. I swear Treasure, I'm not about to play with August."

"Gimme your phone."

"For what ?"

"Girl just let me see, we about to get to the bottom of this."

I handed my phone to her and watched as she searched up August's location.

"Boom, there he go. He's at- what the fuck.."

"Let me see." I yanked my phone out of her hands.
"The fuck he doing at a hotel ?"

"Wasn't he supposed to be looking for Jonathan ?"

"Yes, yeah he was."

"So why the hell is this nigga at a damn hotel ?"

I laughed a little as I continued to looked at my phone.

"Alright bet, say no more. He thought he was crazy, let me show him I'm the devil's child." I said, grabbing my keys.

"Okay now sis, calm down. Remember he haven't seen this side from you."

"And now is the perfect time to show him. Now let's go."



"Is this the right hotel ?" I asked.

"Um" She said, looking at me phone. "Yep sis, it is. This the one my cousin work at."

"You talking about Daysha ?"

"Yep, I can ask her what room number he in."

"Perfect." I said, putting Vaseline on my arms and face.

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