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I woke up being dragged out of my bed at 1 am getting nothing but blows to my face and head from my boyfriend. Taking every punch he threw at me.

"Why the fuck are you sleep Amber ? I work late for one night and you didn't make me any food !"

"I'm sorry Jonathan !" I said struggling and kicking to get him off me. "I was about to do it but I fell asleep !"

"Stop fucking kicking me bitch !" Jonathan said snatching me by my shirt. "Get the fuck up and cook me my fucking food ! You think I work this late for nothing and come home without any food ? Your a dumb bitch if you think that."

"I'm sorry babe. It won't happen again."

"Yeah it better not happen again. Get the fuck up and cook my food before you piss me off even more."

"Okay." I said walking into the kitchen.

"Nah you say Yes Daddy. Say it Amber."

"Yes daddy." I said tears forming in my eyes while I began to fix his dinner.

It's the same thing everyday. He finds something to get mad at me about and he beats me black and blue. I could forget to put one of his work shirts on the hanger and he'll beat me until I'm numb. It been like this for years now , I'm used to it. But I love him and I know he loves me.

In the beginning of our relationship , Jonathan was the sweetest man ever. He'll take me on dates , buy me the most unnecessary things. Things I didn't even need he got for me. Over the course of time he started calling me all kinds of bitches and hoes when he got mad but he apologized right after and I always forgave him. Two years in our relationship that's when he started beating me.

One day I was out with a group of friends and I so happened to bump into one of my ex's. As we was talking Jonathan rode by and seen us. He jumped out the car and started beating him up and dragged me by my hair to the car. By the time we got home , we argued and argued and that's when he punched me in my head , lip and eye. Now every since then he been hitting me. I'm not allowed to leave the house unless I'm with him nor can I hang with family or friends.

I do have one friend who Jonathan allows me to talk too and that's my best friend Treasure. The only reason he allows me to talk to Treasure because he's best friends with her boyfriend Demarcus so they come around a lot.

"Amber is my food ready yet !" Jonathan yelled

"Um." I said snapping out of thoughts. "Five more minutes babe."

"You better not burn my shit either Amber or that's your ass."

I sighed as I wiped the few tears from my eyes. "Why is he so angry ? Why does he turn all his anger on me." I thought to myself putting his food onto his plate.

"Its about fucking time damn what was talking so long."

"You don't want your food half done right ?"

"Don't get smart."

"Sorry." I said looking down playing with my fingers.

"Look at me." He said putting his hand under my chin lifting my head up. "I love you alright."

"Then why do you do all these things to me Jonathan ? Why do you hit me ? Why do you call me all these names ?"

"It's because I love you , I just have a hard time showing it."

I nod looking back down playing with my fingers. Maybe he was doing all this cause he loved me.

"Are you ever going to leave me ?" He said.

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