A Very Long Chapter In Where Everything Falls Apart Again (Part 7)

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I don't know how long I slept for, but it was awhile. I wanted to wake up, but I didn't have the energy to actually move. I rolled over, finally opening my eyes to the bright flames near me.

"How long did I sleep?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes. My voice sounded lower than usually and all raspy.

"Just a few hours," Melody replied, her own voice had grown more raspy.

"Come here, take a nap," I told her.

"I'm fine," she yawned.


"Fine." We switched places, and the second that Melody's head hit my backpack, she was out like a light. I was left with nothing but the crackling sound of the fire and the chilly breeze from outside. Minho moaned and shifted around. My glance snapped to his figure immediately.

"Minho?" I called out, wondering if he was just mumbling in dreams or if he was coming back into the world.

"It hurts," he mumbled out. His voice was strained and tight, like it took all his energy just to say those two simple words. For what seemed like the millionth time, I wished that I had pain killers with me. "Dam, it hurts. Why do I hurt so much?" Minho continued to mumbled.

"You're gunna be ok," I told him, not knowing what else to tell him. I didn't know if he was going to be ok, I didn't know if we were going to be ok. I hated lying to him, even though I wanted to believe that so badly.

"It hurts, it hurts, Mama, make it go away, please," Minho called out. His eyes were shut tightly, and tears started slipping from them. I knew that he couldn't hear me, it wouldn't matter what I said. He continued to call out, begging for help and just to make the pain go away. I wanted to touch him in some way, wanting to let him know that he wasn't alone, but I didn't want to hurt him by mistake. He cried and called out for people. He called for his mom, Alice, Max...and me. He called out, begging for help and I couldn't do anything about it. I dug my nails in my skin, trying to distract myself from the pain in Minho's voice with physical pain on myself. I closed my eyes, like it would mute Minho's calls. I pulled my knees to my chest, hugging them tight to my chest. It seemed like days before Minho fell silent all over again. He started mumbling, until his cries turned to silence. The silence was almost worse, I didn't know what he was feeling anymore.

I glanced at Melody, debating if I should wake her or not. I hated this. I hated not knowing things and wondering if we were going to die or not. I didn't want to see Minho die. I didn't want to see Melody die. I didn't remember anything about them, but I was pretty sure that I had loved them both in different ways at one point. I was sure that I didn't want to lose them. I dont want to be alone in this. My stomach let out a growl, I was also hungry, I noted. We hadn't eaten correct food in days. I glanced outside, where a squirrel ran across the rocks. Meat. I wanted meat. The issue of was how to get the meat. I sat there, until Melody woke up, wondering about meat.

Melody sat up, rubbing her red eyes, "anything happen?" she asked.

"We have to hunt," I told her, avoiding telling her about Minho.

"I'm vegetarian," Melody said shortly. I glanced at her like she grew three heads.

"We're going to starve!" I insisted. She turned away, not saying anything.

"How's Minho?" she asked instead. I let her drop the subject and explained what happened with Minho. I told her of his screams and those he called out for. She didn't say anything after I finished speaking. She was fiddling around with a rock, she glanced down at it and took another rock. A rock that was slightly larger. She started hitting the rocks against one another.

"What are you doing?" I asked her. She didn't say anything for a few seconds, but she continued to hit the rock.

"We watched a movie once about this kid in the wilderness. He made the ends of his spears like this. He hit the larger rock against the smaller one, until he chipped off a point sharp enough," Melody explained.

"What are we going to use that for?" I asked. Melody looked up, her hazel eyes meeting my own eyes.

"You're going to go hunting with them." She continued to wack onto the rock. I collected my own rocks and together we created the sharp edges. We made a few of them, working on them for the rest of the day and through half of the night. We took short breaks, switching in between one another of who was to sleep and who continued on the rocks.

Tomorrow I had to kill.


Author's Note

Oh geez, right? I finally have a few ideas of where to take this book. I have to say that I'm still not sure where Kyle's story is going to turn about this event.

We'll see, right?

Word Count: 891

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