A Very Long Chapter In Where Everything Falls Apart Again (Part 3)

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Everything was in order. We couldn't find anything else to do. We had collected as much wood as we could find that was near the small cave, I had managed to fashion two pails (one that we used to carry wood and the other for melting snow), we had looked through the plane once again—-for anything that we could find. The only issue was that we still had our belongings back in our first cave. That's where our next problem took into play.

"I'll go get everything," Melody insisted.

"No way, I'm going and that's final," I insisted.

"We'll both go!"

"Nope! One of us needs to stay here in case Minho wakes up. That one person will be you, Melody."

"That's real funny, but no. I'm sure that he would rather see his brother when he wakes up."

"Technically, I would be his uncle."


"I'm going."

"Oh heck no."



















You see, I've been reminded that it's hard to win an argument against Melody. It's something that I must have known beforehand, but now it was just a terrible reminder. The issue was, I really didn't want to leave Melody out in the snow to climb mountains.

"I'll go now, and the next dangerous thing that we have to do, you can go on," I tried. She studied me. Her eyes narrowed down, but I didn't back away from my argument. She must have realized, because she relaxed her muscles and glared at me.

"You better not die," she said slowly.

"I won't, I'll be fine," I told her.

"Promise?" she asked. I found it impossible to try to promise something like that, it truly was the impossible, but once glance at those hazel eyes and I was a goner.



Author's Note

I AM SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER! I was honestly really surprised at the word count when I finished, but I feel like it's an ok place to leave off. If I would have continued, I would have probably left it at a cliffhanger.

Something we ALL don't want.

Still...I feel really bad for this terribly short chapter. I really can't write anymore for awhile though...that makes it even worse.

Hope you enjoyed like...that argument. That's literally all this chapter is after all. 

(Sorry) and Sorry (again)

Word Count: 407

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