A Very Long Chapter In Where Everything Falls Apart Again (Part 2)

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"We can't get him up there," Melody said, pointing out the clear obvious. We looked up at the mountain. My hands started sweating some more and clouds of thoughts thundered in my head. "You're also bleeding," Melody pointed out.

"I'll be fine," I stated, brushing her away. I knelt down closer to Minho. His arm was in a weird position, probably broken. I ran my fingers down his ribs, trying to feel any sign if they were broken or not. I felt like an idiot, how was I supposed to know something like that? I'm no doctor. "We need to do something about his arm, that's for sure broken and we need to get on some sort of cave."

"I'll run along the side here, see if there are any small caves," Melody said. I shook my head, agreeing with her. As if things couldn't get worse, then the howling started.

"Wild animals," Melody stated, "coyotes or bobcats."

"That's Just What we need right now," I said.

"Do you know what Minho would say right now?" Melody asked. I shook my head. "Nothing other than a bunch of swears," she stated.

"Seems about right."

Melody ran down the mountain, and found a really small cave, barely sheltering is from the wind, coldness and snow outside. Melody helped me hoist Minho on my back, and I stumbled through the snow towards the small cave. Minho was a good five inches taller than me, heavier than me and I kept tripping in the snow. The activity that shouldn't have taken so long, seemed to take ages.

I went in the cave, Melody had laid down a few blankets on the hard rock. She helped me lower Minho onto the blankets, without completely dropping him on the floor.

More howling. It had grown closer too.

"What do we do if they come in?" Melody asked, more to herself than to me.

"If its a bobcat, then we don't run and we try to spray it with water. They don't like water," I informed her, "if it's a coyote then we make ourselves look bigger, make noise and throw things at them. They won't attack if you're a threat, unless you're a threat to their offspring."

"How do you know all this?" Melody asked me. I shrugged.

"No idea," I replied. These days, I was surprised that I remembered anything.

"We need to do something about his arm," Melody informed me, "we need to do it now too. It's going to hurt him more if we do it while he's awake. Now he can't feel the pain, not till later when he wakes up."

"I don't know what to do with it," I stated. Both of us sat down next to Minho, feeling like the biggest idiots on the whole face of this giant earth.

"We outta just move it to a normal position and  put it in a sling," Melody stated after a few terribly long seconds. I nodded my head in agreement and we set to work. We didn't speak much, nothing other than the usual, "fold it here," "let's wrap this area more," and on. We didn't speak much period. When we finished, we set out to build a fire to keep the animals away. I went out to get fire wood, and Melody set out to make it. I went back to the plane, and with a rock tied to a pole that I had made, I banged together a small pail out of the metal. I filled the pail with snow and set it to the fire that Melody had finished working on to melt. Both of us tried to keep ourselves busy, not quite sure what to do in the time. The more we stayed busy, the less time we had to think, so busy we stayed.


Author's Note

Thoughts on this chapter?

Predictions for what is going to happen next?

Anyone notice how Melody has been on Minho's case more than usual in this book? Anything going on their?

Anyone notice how there's been less of MelodyXKyle and more of.....

I'm not going to give away anymore than that right now.


Word Count: 700

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