Drums In My Head (Part 4)

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I collected some wood, odd looking twigs and sticks. The sun had already sunk down into its peace, leaving nothing but darkness and twinkling lights in the sky. I hurried to finish collecting the wood, as howling came from the dark mountains. I walked back into the cave, as quietly as I could. I sunk to the floor as I heard Minho and Melody talking.

"What are we going to do with him?" I heard Minho ask.

"Kyle?" Melody asked.

"Noooooooo, who else?" Minho asked.

"What do you want to do with him? We just gotta suck it up and hope he remembers stuff soon," Melody said.

"And if he doesn't remember anything?" Minho asked.

"I don't know! You're older, aren't you supposed to know what to do?" she asked him.

"Yeah, totally," Minho said. They sat in silence, saying nothing. The crackling of the fire was the only thing that I managed to hear. I stood up, and walked into their view, like I hadn't just heard what they had both said. As I walked in, both of their heads perked up. I laid the wood around the fire, like Minho had done.

"We should take shifts, you know, staying up to like..." Minho trailed off.

"To guard," I finished for him. The three of us all looked towards the fire, just thinking. I didn't want to think about it, I didn't want to think about it at all. My palms got sweaty and my heart started pounding just at the thought of it all...just how it all was going down. "I'll take first shift," I said.

"You can sleep, I'll take first shift," Melody said. I couldn't even imagine being able to sleep, besides, if I managed to fall asleep, I wouldn't want to be woken up in the middle of the night to stay up and guard.

"I've been knocked out half of the day, you two should sleep first, rest now," I told them. Minho and Melody looked at each other, like they were sharing secrets. The kind of look that parents give each other, I hated not knowing what was happening.

"I'll take second then," Melody said.

"I'll be last then," Minho finished. Melody took blankets out of the bags and rolled each bag into a sort of head rest, I wouldn't dare call it a pillow. "Kyle, just wake Melody up in a few hours. Melody, then wake me up when you get tired through your shift," Minho said, as he laid down. Melody folded her hands, prayed silently, before she pulled the blanket over herself. I pulled my blanket higher up my chest, watching them both, as I leaned on a boulder. From my backpack, I pulled out the forbidden object, my journal, the one that I said that I wouldn't read. I glanced over at Melody, the other item that I wasn't allowed to touch, was around her, as she slept with the hoodie that apparently meant so much to me, her breathing seemed to relax as she fell into sleep. I glanced over at Minho, who was already drooling in his sleep. I opened the journal, I couldn't look at the past pages, but I opened a clean page and pulled a pen out.

Day 1.

I don't remember a thing of anything that happened. I don't know who I am. Who these people are. I don't know what to do.

I read over my words, they sounded too lost and stupid. I knew that I didn't know a thing, great, next topic please. I debated crossing out my words, but I just drew a line underneath and started writing something else.

The Girl With Pretty Eyes

She's got beautiful hazel eyes, that hide so much. It's like she has a mask over them, but for a second it was as though I could see right into her soul, when she dropped that curtain for a moment.

Those eyes that held pain,
being terrified,
and as though she had so much to say, but she couldn't.

For a second...it was as though I could remember her. I could remember us.

I shut the journal, breathing heavily. I wasn't making sense. I was being stupid, like some sort of dumb, emotional teenager. What if you are some sort of dumb emotional teenager? That voice seemed to whisper to me, like another part of me. I turned to a new page, unwilling to read what I had just written.

•strong minded
•was close to me beforehand
•for some reason, she needs to protect that worn down hoodie
•struggling to understand what just happened today
•maybe...has a relationship with Minho...like more than friends...Minho said there isn't anything between them...so maybe she just likes him...a lot

I wrote down information that I had gathered on Melody. I glared at the last point, wondering why it made my stomach stir.

•"brother" even though we're not really, something with an older sister, we're kinda family...I guess
•anger issues
•wants to be this big tough guy, when he's just as broken and confused as us all
•thinks Melody and I have a thing...which is weird to think about

I slammed the journal shut, all this writing was just making my head turn around and around. I don't know what's wrong and what's right. I glanced over at Melody, who looked like she had just walked through war. I looked at Minho, who looked like he hadn't slept or eaten in months. I looked into the flames, that could kill us all, and realized, fully, that I was terrified. I was scared that I was going to die, worst of all, I was terrified that I was going to die not remembering...a single thing.


Author's Note

Well...hello. I am not sure what to write...so ha ha. How was the first chapter of the book? I think that it has a decent ending.

Sooooooooo...thoughts on what's going on???

Word Count: 1010

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