Drums In My Head (Part 3)

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She sat by the fire, next to us both, warming up her hands.

"We should go through all our stuff and see what we can use," she said. She avoided looking at me, looking only at Minho. "Everything is probably still wet, but we have our backpacks and the emergency pack."

"I want to go look through the crash again," Minho said.

"The sun is already starting to go down, we should stay in until morning," Melody said.

"Then we need more wood, we aren't going to last through the night with only this," Minho said. Melody looked as though she wanted to say something, but Minho kept talking. "I'll go now to get some wood, at least, and you two go through our stuff." Minho didn't wait for a response, he stood up, grabbed another sweatshirt and then left the comfort of the cave. Melody and I watched after him, in silence, until he was out of sight.

"So..." I trailed off. Melody stood up, not bothering to give me a second look. She grabbed three backpacks and another small red bag. She threw one at me, I caught the harsh throw, wondering if she wanted to hurt me at this point.

"Look through that bag, see if you can find anything helpful in there," she said. She brushed a curl from her face, but it fell right back down. She kept blowing at it, until she managed to have it stay tucked behind her ear.

I opened up the green backpack to find a hot mess of things. Things were thrown around all over the place in no sort of order. I pulled out a few packs of nuts, and small bags of candy.

"I found food...mostly candy," I told Melody. She looked over at the small stack of snakes I had pulled out from the bag.

"You of all people would bring that much food," she laughed. Her eyes sparkled as she laughed, and she actually looked happy for half a second...not so worried or scared.

"It's my bag?" I asked her, even though I was pretty sure that it was. The sadness snuck back into her eyes. Geez, Kyle, couldn't you just shut up and let her be happy for a bit?

"Yeah, it's yours, you're always eating...and man, you have a thing for butter," she said, smiling slightly at the last part. I pulled out an old looking hoodie, one that looked large and pretty ugly.

"This thing might be good for burning, looks too old," I said. Melody looked up at me, in alarm, and snatched it away from me.

"Kyle! We will not burn this. Goodness, this is your hoodie...like your hoodie," she said.

"Your point?" I asked.

"It was your dad's favorite hoodie, and when he passed away you took it. Goodness, you never took it off. You just stopped wearing it everywhere like half a year ago. The old Kyle would kill me if I let you burn this," she said. She folded it in her hands, not letting it near me, like she thought I was going to throw it in the fire, just for the heck of it. Rude much? I realize what she had said...the old Kyle. In her mind, it was as though she was separating these two different people, these two different me's.

"I'm not going to burn it," I said. She hugged the hoodie to her chest, looking like she wanted to cry her eyes out. Her eyes glistened, as small rays of light bounced off her eyes. Her eyes got larger and sadness filled her eyes. Sadness and pain, all visible. She just looked at me, with those large hazel eyes. Her glance didn't move off of me, she breathed in the scent of the hoodie, closing her eyes. A few tears slipped down her face as she closed her eyes, she brushed them away with a sleeve of the hoodie.

"Let's just see if we need anything else from our bags," she said, as she slipped on the hoodie. I didn't say anything as she didn't. If it was my hoodie, shouldn't I get to wear it? One half of me thought among those lines. The other half of me couldn't help but think that the hoodie seemed to fit her, even though it was larger.

We went through the backpacks, finding a few snacks and trinkets. Both Melody and I pulled out our journals, she opened hers and scribbled down a few words. I couldn't open mine though, I couldn't remember the fact that I wrote, frankly I couldn't remember any part of it. I felt that if I read what was written, I would be reading someone else's life...not my own.

Minho walked in, towards us. His arms were filled with sticks and small logs for burning. He circled them around the fire, not allowing them to be consumed by the flickering flames yet. He glanced around at Melody and I, taking in our silence.

"The wood is wet, I want to let it dry some more," Minho said.

"We'll need more wood if we want to keep the fire through the night," I told them both.

"We'll be fine," Melody insisted. The sun was almost out of sight, I could understand why she didn't want us out of the cave, even though she knew I was right.

"Kyle is right," Minho said, "we need more." I looked Minho's wet feet and wet pants. His clothes were muddy from carrying the wood he had already brought too.

"I'll go," I said.

"You don't know where-" Melody started.

Minho interrupted her, "stay near the cave, make sure you can see some of our light. Just get the small sticks from around." Melody didn't look comfortable with it, but she didn't say anything as I stood up and left. I started to walk away, glancing away to look at them both. Minho was turned towards the fire, moving the wood around to different angles. Melody was looking straight at me, with those eyes, that hid so much.


Author's Note

How was it?

I feel like it might have been a little dull at points, if it is, let me know so I can improve my writing.


Word Count: 1055

Remember DecemberOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora