Drums In My Head (Part 1)

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Day 1

Darkness. I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't think. Something had happened, but I could remember what. Something bad though. Mumbled came from all around me, but I couldn't make out what those voices were saying. I couldn't make out who was speaking at all.

Then more darkness.

"Please don't be dead."

Words. I knew those words, I could finally make something out of the mumbled.

"Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, please don't be dead," a voice said, over and over again. I opened my eyes, ignoring the pain that it caused me to just open my eyes.



"Ow, ow, ow," I said, over and over again. I felt like there was a marching band in my head, prancing over and over. The screaming sent the marching band in my head at a full on sprint. My eyes finally decided to focus on who was talking. Messing blonde curls hung over my face, those curls that were wet and were covered in dirt and twigs. A girl that seemed about my age was staring me down with large hazel eyes. Pretty eyes, I thought to myself.

"Do you know how worried we were?" she asked me.

"Who is we? Who are you? Why does my head hurt?" I asked her. I tried putting my hand up to my head, but the girl stopped me.

"Wait, what did you say again?" the girl asked. I pulled my hand away from her, geez, what made her think that she had the right to touch me.

"Who are you? Where am I? What the heck happened?" I asked her. I tried sitting up, black dots danced in my vision, I ignored them and slouched up. The girl didn't try to stop me.

"You don't remember what happened?" she asked me.

"No, something bad, where's the adult in this situation?" I asked her. The girl, at this point, was ignoring me. She stood up, dusting herself off.

"Minho!" she called. A boy that seemed a little older than me jogged over. He had messy brown hair with dark eyes. His eyebrows were scrunched up, like he was worried about something. He was a lot taller than the girl, he didn't look anything like each other, but they looked at each other that if something happened, they would defend each other to the lives of them.

"Huckleberry, you're up!" The boy, who I supposed was Minho, said. I looked around, there wasn't any berries around and there wasn't another figure around me. I couldn't remember a thing about my mother, but I sure do think that she wasn't that heartless to name me Huckleberry.

"He doesn't remember anything," the girl said. The boy, Minho, swore under his breathe.

"Sure, he does, Kyle, you know what's happening, right?" Minho asked. I glanced at him, in puzzlement. Was I Huckleberry or was I Kyle? Kyle seemed more normal, but then why would have the boy called me Huckleberry the first time?

"He doesn't," the girl said.

"Yes, he does," Minho said. What kind of name is Minho anyway?

"Watch," the girl said. She sat back down next to me, I felt nervous, like I had just walked into a classroom to take a test without knowing the subject. "What's your name?" she asked me.

"Ether Huckleberry or Kyle," I replied.

"See, he's fine," Minho said. The girl ignored him, not taking her eyes off from me.

"How old are you?" she asked.

"Fifteen," I replied. I didn't know how I knew though.

"Where are we?" she asked.

"Lost," I replied.

"Melody, he's fine, he probably just doesn't remember the crash. That's normal, he hit his head, bad," Minho said. The girl's name was Melody, pretty name. A really pretty name, it went well with her. Melody brushed a curl from her face.

"Who am I?" she asked.

"Melody," I replied.

"No, duh, you just heard Minho say that, but who am I?" she asked me, again. Truth was, I didn't know. I had a nagging feeling inside me, like I was supposed to know. The feeling that kept telling me that I was supposed to know this person, I was supposed to know her well, really well. Both Minho and Melody looked at me, both of them staring bullets through my head. Silently, both of them wishing that I would get this right, a wish I also wanted to come true right about now.

"I, I don't know," I replied, finally. Melody stood up, running her fingers through her hair. She started pacing back and forth, like she was debated whether to cry or scream.

"Kyle, Kyle, you gotta remember us, you have to. We can't loose you right now," Minho told me. I wanted to know who these strangers were, I didn't want to be left in the dark. I felt like memories had just been sucked out of my brain, like they were so close, yet so far.

"I don't know you," I told him. I pushed myself away from him, making my head go flying in all directions.

"I'm going for a walk!" Melody announced.

"It's freezing outside, and look what you're wearing! You can't go outside like that!" Minho yelled at Melody. Melody turned to Minho, her fingers held up together, like the Italians do in all the pizza stereotypes. You could see the tears that threatened to fall down her face, you could see how hard she was trying to hold it together, you could see how hard she was trying not to fall apart. The worst part was that I did that, even though that the girl was a stranger to me, it hurt me to see her that way.

"Tell me that again, I dare you," she said. Minho didn't say anything. "That's what I thought, I'm going out for a short walk, I'll be back soon." She left quickly, without saying another word. I could have sworn that I saw her whipping tears from her face as she hurried out of the cave. Minho ran his hands through his hair and over his face. He let out a breath of frustration and then looked over at me, like he was debating what to do with me.

"What the heck am I going to do with you?" he asked me.


Author's Note

FIRST PART IN REMEMBER DECEMBER!!!!! I don't feel happy at all. Who liked the first chapter?

Isn't it just great how Kyle is feeling right now?

How did y'all thing that this book was going to start based off the ending of the last book?

Word Count: 1112

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