Chapter 28; The school's closure

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Uncle Bart made the announcement of the school's temporarily-for now- closure to the entire school the next week, on Monday.

I didn't know about that because he told me. I also didn't know about it because Caleb told me.

I decided to take my aunt's advice and go back to the last school I transferred from. According to my aunt, it didn't take too long for them to accept me back.

I made my way to the school, and since it was close to my house I decided that a bit of walk won't kill me. It's been long since the last time I did anything related to cardio- well, I did do a bit of running at Woodblock high.

Besides, it was nice day, and though I knew it will be a lot warmer through the day, right now it was nice to a have a walk.

On my way to school, I saw a woman having hard time with her bags near a supermarket and decided that since I had a long time until school started, I'll go and check to see if she needed help.

"Hello, do you need some help?" I asked when I came closer to her, looking at her bags.

"Oh yes, thank yo-" She stopped when she turned to look at me, and I blinked at her. "Ms. Ross?" I asked, surprised at seeing her. From what I remembered, they didn't live anywhere near here. What was she doing here?

A big smile went on her face as she waved her hand, "Please, call me Liah. I haven't seen you in so long, how have you been doing, Rhi?" She asked as I gestured for her to hand me a few of her bags.

"Thank you," Liah said, sighing in relief. I wondered how Reagan let her go out to do the shopping by herself. From what I've see before, he was very protective of his ill mother.

"No problem, and I'm fine, though I've been better. What are you doing all the way into town? I don't remember you live around here," I remarked, walking after her to who-knows-where. Her breathing started to get faster and I gave her a worried look, but she seemed to have handled the weight very well. Besides, it felt wrong to ask if she wanted me to take all of her bags.- She looked strong, and I'm sure it wasn't her first time doing this. She wasn't some frail, week doll- she was Reagan ross's mother. I'm sure he got his strong character from her.

Still, I couldn't help but be worried about Liah's health.

"We live fifteen minutes from this supermarket. Usually I'll either take my car or I'll have Reagan to the groceries shopping. However my car broke down and Reagan is out. He was so upset that I didn't want to call and ask him for that." Liah answered me, making me frown. "Upset? What happened?" I asked, concerned. Was it because of me?

It's been two weeks since the boys found out about my lie along with everyone else. Caleb and I met up a lot, and I asked him why the boys didn't want to talk to me. He said that they talked about how they were upset with me not telling them another secret, and since then I thought it was for the best not to ask him again about them. I'll probably be disappointed.

"I thought you went to school with them. Didn't you know the school got shut down?" She asked, a bit surprised I didn't know that. This meant that Reagan haven't talked about it since who knows when. Did he tell her about what happened between us?

"I transferred," I replied, then added, "is he going to be okay?" I asked her, feeling worried again about him and the boys.

They've hurt me so many times and yet I still cared for them.

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