A Night of Many Surprises

Começar do início

"Alright Mrs. Scamander, you're free to go."

Tina smiled gratefully as she and her husband signed the last of the release papers and bundled up their things. 

"It's certainly a relief to be going home now," Tina remarked as her faithful husband helped her out of bed. "I missed the house and the creatures. Although the food here is surprisingly good. Better than ours at least." 

Newt laughed and kissed her forehead "I'm sure mother will have dropped off some leftovers for us." he said reassuringly. "All set?"

"You know I am." And the two whisked away back to their beloved cottage home in Dorset.


Tina smiled as she looked around at the old place. "Aw, it's like I never left." she said sentimentally brushing her hand over the sleek kitchen table. 

A knock from the door interrupted the couple's thoughts. "Ah that must be Em," Newt deducted walking over to the door and smiling as he saw his grown up daughter standing on the front porch. 

"Hey dad!" she said cheerfully hugging her father hello and walking into her childhood home. "Where's mum?"

"Caressing the furniture." he said deadpan as the two of them walked into the kitchen, earning a smack from Tina 

"What?!" he asked laughing. 

Emily tumbled into her mother's arms "You doing alright mum?" she asked. 

Tina smiled "Better, now that you're here." the american witch confessed planting a kiss on her daughter's head. 

"Now c'mon, I wanna see that engagement ring." she said taking her daughter's hand and observing the ring. 

"Oh honey it's beautiful,"

"He certainly has good taste." Newt remarked bending over the woman's heads to get a closer look. 

"I still can't believe you're getting married Em," he said with a sigh. 

The female magizoologist nodded "It almost seems like some sort of wonderful dream..." she confessed happily turning to her mother "Did you feel the same when Dad asked you to marry him Mum?" she asked curiously. 

Tina shook her head "To be honest Em, I thought he'd never ask." she said laughing 

"Now c'mon lets eat, Hazel sent over some food and I'm starving."


Emily was in her office signing some paperwork when she heard a knock from her door. 

"Come in," she said absentmindedly, eyes scanning through the important documents in front of her. 

The door opened and closed, a man cleared his voice before speaking "How is it possible you grow more beautiful each passing day?" 

Emily smiled, raising her eyes from her paperwork. 

She would know that voice anywhere. 

"Smooth talker." she said rolling her eyes fondly, her smile blooming as Gerald made his way to her desk, leaning over her and planting a soft kiss on her lips. 

"I missed you," he said exhaling pecking her head with small light kisses. 

Emily closed her eyes contently and leaned into his touch "Me too, how about we go out somewhere tonight? Eat dinner and maybe talk more about what on earth are we going to do for this wedding." 

Fantastic Beasts One-ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora