Chapter 5: Cat Fight, Meow

Start from the beginning

"It's nothing, just a ...misunderstanding." I declared calmly while biting back my tears.

"Selene?" He looked to her for a response. "Are you two fighting?" I shifted uneasily at his question.

"No, it's like she said, just a misunderstanding." She smiled sweetly. What a fucking joke!

I let out my breath but could no longer have held the tears back. I took off in a sprint down the stairs and bounded toward the garden. The reality hit me hard. I had to marry a man who hadn't loved me, couldn't have loved me. I was trapped, lonely forever. Not even Ronan was my solace. Once she'd gotten her claws into him, he would never have come back to me. Her words were true, and they hurt like hell. When I reached the door, I thought I heard someone call after me.

"Arianna, wait!" but I never stopped running.

Xavier POV

When I pulled my dark gray, v-neck shirt over my head, I heard a ruckus in the hall, then shouting, then silence. This was not part of my Princely duties. I figured I'd check it out since it appeared no one else could have been bothered.

My gut told me it was Selene starting trouble again, as she always had. I felt bad for whoever she was mad at, she had a mean streak. That was what first attracted me to her. She was just so passionate. She tended to take it a little too far and her actions sometimes tired me.

I'd better break up the argument before someone got hurt. I shot out of my room and ran like lightning to the figures involved on the scuffle. I was surprised when I noticed Selene stood in front of a girl, arm outstretched, and obstructed her path. Her other hand raised high like she'd just struck someone. She had fire in her eyes and I knew this was bad, very bad.

"What's going on?" I looked at the girl, it was Arianna. She looked shocked and hurt, but refused to meet my gaze.

"It's nothing, just a ...misunderstanding." Aria responded.

"Selene?" I looked to her and frowned at the sly grin that was on her face. "Are you two fighting?"

"No, it's like she said, just a misunderstanding." Selene smiled innocently.

Arianna turned and ran, but before she had, I saw tears welled up in her eyes. She bounded for the door and I called after her.

"Arianna, wait!" I caled out to her, but she was gone.

Blurry is the Line Between Love and Lust: A Tears of Shame Novel [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now