ch. 50 - September

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Ravi ducked out of NYC Fashion Week two days early to join Sora at her meeting with Anthony. He'd offered his office at Misra as neutral territory for the gathering. Once Sora realized that Hana had invited herself along, she was more than glad for the backup.



Ravi dragged a hand through his hair in obvious frustration.

"Don't do this, Hana. This is over. We're over. I told you that. I don't want to go nuclear on you, but I will if you insist on helping Anthony attack Sora over Tommy."

"You love me," she asserted confidently. Anthony grunted into his glass of whiskey as he watched the proceedings much as Sora did: as a spectator. How did we get on this subject in the first place?

"I do, but I'm not lying when I say stunts like this make me love you less."

"I just don't understand what changed. We were going to be happy." Ravi had come back to make amends and try again; Sora had proven they could never be the couple they used to be when they weren't even the people they once were.

Ravi gestured between them. "I changed, you didn't. You see how that means we don't fit?"

"I don't see how it means you fit with Sora. She's my sister."

Sora did her sister the courtesy of not pointing out the irony. She was making herself scarce in this argument for the time being.

"Sora and I have been a couple for months. We make each other happy. Our sons are happy. What else do you want?"

Hana scoffed. "This is revenge. I told Sora, this beneath her. You're both angry and disappointed in me, but this isn't the way to hurt me."

Sora's sniped down at her nails, "Because god forbid anybody's happiness not be reliant on you, Hana."

Hana cut her a burning look in response, which Sora accepted with admittedly smug grace.

"Hana, my relationship with Sora isn't about you. Yes, you're part of what brought us together; but, no, you're not what's kept us this way. She and I are a lot alike."

"That's such crap. I should know."

"I changed. Sora knows why and she understands."

"I don't understand."

"You don't have to. I don't explain myself to you."

"After all the months I spent doing that very thing just to get you to stay in the same room with me, you can't do me the courtesy of explaining?"

"I don't wanna lie to you. If I try to tell you, I'll lie. Lies are all that's left between us."

"I don't know if I can accept that."

"You don't have a choice."

"You heard him, Hana. He chooses me. He has chosen me for months. Do yourself a favor and let him go."

Hana's answering look was almost pitying.

"Sora, you don't understand. Ravi and I, we have history."

Sora had had more than enough of Hana's constantly invoking the decades of turmoil she and Ravi shared. She and Anthony had been together for fourteen years. Years were just a number when so much of it was misery.

"We all know that, Hana. Everybody knows. Ravi and I have months of friendship and years of putting up with you. We have shared pain and love, and mutual respect. I can't measure up to almost thirty years, but I recognize the value of what we do have. I won't give him up to satisfy your ego."

The Fashion of Love | Adult F/M Romance [COMPLETE]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin