ch. 37 - July

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Sora drove up to Sam's house on the beach with her son in tow.

"Guess where we're going. We're going to see Daddy and Sam! Aren't you excited?"

Tommy squirmed in his car seat. He responded to her smiles with even bigger smiles, leading her to guess his gums weren't bothering him too much. She tried to make sure she looked happy when she took him to see his father, because she didn't want him to be upset when she was. Anthony was her problem, not Tommy's.

They sang a rousing chorus of the Old MacDonald song as she carried him to the front door.

Sam answered within a minute of her ringing the bell and let them in. The brothers greeted each other fondly, exchanging exaggerated high-fives and indistinct male sounds. Anthony was shirtless as if he'd been working out. Sora allowed her gaze to linger momentarily, but the thrill was gone. She loved with her mind first and then her heart; once those faiths were lost, there wasn't much left for desire.

She passed Tommy's overnight bag to father after passing Tommy to Sam. They can't cause too big a disaster between them...can they? She trusted Anthony to be responsible whether or not she trusted him to be wise.

"I've included a set of instructions in the front pocket of Tommy's bag. It should have all the information you need on it: Tommy's bed time, what he likes to eat, what helps him get to sleep, what to do if he wakes up in the middle of the night. It's all there. If you can't soothe him, call me. He likes hearing my voice."

"I think me and Sam can handle it."

I trust Sam. That'll have to do. "Okay. I'll get going." Sora stopped to kiss Tommy goodbye. "Be good for Daddy. I'll be back before you know it." Tommy waved bye-bye and Sora waved back once she'd reached the door.

"You headed somewhere special?"

"Out. You can reach me on my cell at any time, no matter what the hour." Sora blew her baby another kiss. "Bye, sweetie."

"Is it true? Are you really locking libidos with the dressmaker?"

Sora released a long sigh of exasperation and turned to face her ex again. "You've asked me that already."

"I'm asking again."

"For the record, 'dressmaker' isn't an insult, it's a job description. Is that the best you can do? Hana's really done a number on you. You used to be crafty and insightful. Funny, if nothing else."

"Tommy's not ready to hear what I think of Ravi Misra."

"I hope you grow up before he gets old enough to understand what you're saying." She turned to her former stepson. "Remember what I said about the list."

"Got it," Sam confirmed.

"Great. Then, I'll wish you gentlemen goodnight. Don't have too much fun."

"Same to you," Anthony remarked.

"I intend to have all the fun I can squeeze in." Sora shot Anthony a smirk and took her leave.

She was still laughing at the appalled look on Anthony's face as she drove away from Sam's beach house. She shook her head to herself. Anthony is a multimillionaire living with his adult son. She could say for certain she no longer understood the man she'd married.



Sora found her way to Ravi's beachfront walkup easily. He's not far from Sam, is he?

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