Chapter 28

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Alexandra's POV

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Alexandra's POV

I couldn't believe I stayed my first night at Giovanni's place. And entering the university with such an experience felt too awkward for me. I didn't know what to say to Jessica if ever she'd ask about me of my whereabouts after today's symposium the student council has been working hard for over the past few months.

Hoping it won't happen, my mind still wandered cluelessly on what to tell her and Marissa. Should I tell them about my first day of this weird relationship with him? Or should I remain my mouth shut until that alpha male tells them himself? Would he?

I shook my head as a headache rushed through my head again, while pressing my hand on my temporal lobe, squinting my eyes. The bell rang and the students in the classroom rushed outside heading to the stadium where a big event, involving influential people—celebrities to social media influencers invited—to speak of their inspiring stories in front of struggling college students in San Nicholas.

The topic: The Miracles of Forgiveness.

Swimming with the flow of people heading towards the same direction, I went inside the crowd near the stage seeing the student council busily setting the whole stage. Bringing the bags of snacks with me Jessica asked me to minutes ago, I went backstage and approached her. "Hey, Jes. Here's the food you asked me to buy."

She turned her head and smiled, although panic was written upon her face, clearly in distraught for a clear reason. The event brought too much pressure on her shoulders as the president and the event organizer. Her team needed immense help from fellow students, including myself, an ordinary fellow without ranks or membership of any clubs at school.

Fortunately, the VIPs, Natalia and Vanessa, and her gang seemed in a peaceful mode as if they realize the massive damage if they make trouble for a pathetic avenge. No one of them created a scene amidst the hectic schedule in the university. I sighed feeling nervous for my friends, who took a lot of effort to prepare this, and at the same time, I felt proud they're able to pull this off.

All of a sudden, the crowd cheered loudly and screaming the celebrities names. Different signages from various fan clubs raised higher while they almost jumped off their seats seeing their idolized personalities.

I peeped through the small hole behind the main wall of the stage, where the decorations were placed in an intricate way. Seeing swarm of people clapping their hands as the influential persons stepped in one by one created goosebumps reaching my spine. I was in awe. "There are so many people out there," I whispered, pressing my lips together.

Jessica glanced quickly and wiped her forehead covered with sweat, dashed towards her colleagues and pressed her forehead with her hand as if she had messed up or they faced an issue needed immediate resolution. It went on until the emcee started the program and the guests spoke their part.

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