17. ( part 9 ) comforted by slender & sally

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(( a/n: heyy so sally & slender arent really an option to like,, but i wanted to give them their own chapter bc i feel like it would be cute. sally is a sister type and slender is a dad type in my head. ))

( third person's pov )
"( y/n )?" two voices called in harmony. One voice was low and almost echoing, while the other was sweet and childlike.

( y/n ) sniffled and held her breath, hoping that the two on the other end would leave if she was to stay silent. A knock rang out a few moments later, meaning that whoever was there hadn't left yet.

The ( h/c ) girl exhaled deeply and rubbed at her face hastily to rid herself of the visible tears and stains. She got up to her feet, swaying ever so slightly.

( y/n ) looked at herself in the mirror and nearly gasped. With a wrinkled dress, bruises and scratches on her legs from the forest, messy hair, and a puffy face... She looked like a wreck.

"( y/n )? Can we please come in?" the little girl begged, desperation in her voice. ( y/n ) sighed. She didn't want Sally to see her like this.

"I'm... I'm fine, Sals. No need to, um, come in," she mumbled, tripping over her words. Sally began to pout, sensitive feelings being hurt at the denial.

"Pleaseeee?" she droned, jiggling the doorknob. Slender sighed impatiently and twisted a tendril into the door lock, a satisfying click sounding out as it was undone.

( y/n ) groaned and tried to lock the door again, but Slender beat her to it and swung the door open. Sally barreled into the bathroom and tackled ( y/n ), tears pricking her innocent green eyes.

( y/n ) fell back onto her butt, wrapping arms around Sally and squeezing tight. At the moment, a hug from her best friend is just what ( y/n ) had needed.

Slender walked in as well and stood above Sally and ( y/n ), looking a bit ominous. Not his fault though. He didn't choose to be a bajillion feet tall and lack any facial features.

The older girl buried her face in Sally's shoulder as she climbed up to sit on her lap. Sally squeezed ( y/n ) in a tight embrace, relieved to finally see the ( h/ c ) haired girl okay.

"( y/n )," Sally wailed, tears threatening to fall down her soft cheeks, "I was so worried about you!"

( y/n ) felt a giggle spill out of her mouth, rubbing the little girl's back in gentle circles. Slender crouched down and listened, not really needing to speak to be comforting.
"It's alright, Sals. I'm... I'm okay."

Sally pulled away and grabbed ( y/n )'s face, bottom lip sticking out and trembling slightly. Her green eyes were wide and shiny, tears glistening.
"But what if you weren't? I don't know what I'd do without you, ( y/n )," she cried, pressing her face into the crook of the older female's neck.

( y/n ) didn't know what to say, so she just rubbed Sally's back and rocked her in her arms. Slender turned to ( y/n ) and reached a long arm out, squeezing her shoulder comfortingly.

"What happened, my child?" he asked, concern in his echo-like voice. ( y/n ) averted her ( e/c ) eyes and nuzzled up against Sally.

"I just, erm, got in a bit of trouble with some guy..." she mumbled, shivers running down her spine at the memories. Slender's face, or lack of one, crinkled in confusion.

"What kind of trouble? I don't think I could be your lawyer if you have to go to court," he said in a monotone voice. ( y/n ) and Sally both giggled tearfully at his attempt at humour.

"No, Slendy. I'm fine, I swear," ( y/n ) vowed, running her fingers through Sally's wavy brown hair. Slender nodded and brought a hand to his face thoughtfully.

"Did he hurt you, ( y/n )?" he asked slowly, face darkening. The ( h/c ) girl held up her hands defensively and lied through her teeth flawlessly.

"O-Of course not! I can defend myself," she huffed, getting a small giggle out of Sally, who had curled up on ( y/n )'s lap with her head on the older female's chest.

Slender nodded slowly, getting up and holding a hand out to Sally.
"If you say so. Now Sally, we must be getting to bed. ( y/n ), why don't you run a hot bath to calm your nerves?"

Sally jumped up and grabbed his out-stretched hand, sticking to his side with all the traces of tears gone. ( y/n ) got up slowly, rubbing her eyes with the palms of her hands.

She smiled softly and shooed the two out of the bathroom, mood drastically improved.
"Alright, I'll be taking a bath. Can you tell the others to just let me be tonight?" she asked gently, a small smile forming onto her lips.

Slender nodded.
"Of course, my child. Take all the time you need to relax, and do feel better my dear."

Sally grinned and jumped from foot to foot, nodding her head eagerly in agreement to Slender's words.
"Yes, feel better ( y/n )! Please come sleep in my room tonight," she said merrily.

( y/n ) giggled and put a hand on the doorknob, getting ready to close it.
"Oh, thank you, Sals. I'll be there soon," she said wistfully. ( y/n ) closed the door and walked over to the bath, turning it on and dialing it up to a high heat.

Stripping her clothes and stepping into the tub, she relaxed and allowed the hot water to massage her tensed muscles. This night had closed off to a good end at last.


omfg only three more chapters!!! yasss

word count: 962 words

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