16. alcohol & tears

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( y/n's pov )
As the four of us approached the bar, I shifted nervously on my two feet. The whole place reeked of alcohol and made me feel nauseous already, which wasn't a good sign.

I looked at Jane and played with my hands, a cold sweat already making its way down my body.
"Uh, Jane...? How are we supposed to get into this bar? I'm not sure how old you guys are, but I'm underage," I mumbled, glancing at all of the people milling about outside of the bar.

She linked her arm in mine and smiled, brushing the jet-black hair out of her face with her free hand.
"Don't worry, ( y/n ). I know the owner, he's a friend of mine. He already agreed to let us in."

"Oh... But, how are you guys supposed to get alcohol without ID's?" I asked. Honestly, at this very moment in time, I'd rather be anywhere else but here.

I'd rather help Slender organize his file cabinets. I'd rather let Jeff cut a smile into my face. I'd rather let Hoodie use me as target practice. I'd rather eat kidneys with EJ. I'd rather be stuffed with candy by LJ. I'd rather be ripped to death by Kagekao. I'd rather be-

Okay, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself here. But the thing is, being around alcohol and drunk people is making me nervous.

I'm aware that not all drunk people are violent, but it still gives me bad memories and reminds me of my mom. I shudder and push the thoughts away.

I'm going to have a good girls night and I won't let anything stand in my way.

Anyways, I'm getting a bit side-tracked here, aren't I?

I paused for a moment, staring up at the bright sign on the bar. It flashed and light up the space around us, casting ominous shadows on the ground. Or maybe I'm just being a bit paranoid.

The pit of anxiety in my stomach only grew as we stepped up, the bouncer eyeing us with a poker face. Jane unlinked our arms and moved her hand to mine, squeezing gently in a sign of comfort.

I gulped and looked down to the ground, staring at my shiny black heels that Jane had let me borrow. I really didn't want to do this.

"Hello, do you have Jane on the list?"

The bouncer cracked a small grin, that, quite frankly, looked a bit malevolent in my opinion.
"Yes, ma'am. I'd know your face anywhere. Are these pretty little ladies accompanying you tonight?"

My heart sped up as he looked over us, but not in a good way. He seemed to be a bit creepy, but nothing too bad. Nina and Jane giggled while Clockwork just stayed quiet, seeming to be a bit uncomfortable as well.

She looked up and smiled sympathetically at me, so I smiled back. Nice to know that I'm not the only one a bit nervous here.
"Yes, they're my friends. Right here is Natalie," she gestured to Clockwork. "Nina is on my left and ( y/n ) is on my right."

I looked back up at him and smiled weakly, quickly averting my eyes from his intense stare.

"Perfect. Head on in, the table in the back has been reserved for you."

Jane nodded and walked in through the door, disappearing almost immediately in the large crowd of drunken men and women. I tottered through the thick swarm of people, just barely catching glimpses of Jane throughout the crowd.

Nina and Clockwork were hot on my trail, most likely depending on me to get to where we were supposed to be seated. As I finally reached the table, I took a moment to look around and really see the place.

The bar was filled with sweaty, drunk people of all sizes, colours, and types. The music was loud, filling my head with its deep bass and obscene lyrics. Wafting throughout the building was the strongest scent of alcohol I'd ever had the misfortune of smelling.

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