17. ( part 1 ) comforted by BEN

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( third person's pov )
"( y/n )?"

( y/n ) looked up at the door, sniffling and trying to wipe up all of her tears unsuccessfully.
"Who... Who is it?" she sniffled, reaching out to unlock the door with a shaky hand.

"It's BEN. Can I come in?" he asked gently. ( y/n ) nodded to herself and unlocked the door, turning the knob to open the door and let him in.

BEN walked in and closed the door behind himself quietly, crouching down to get level with the teary eyed girl.
"Hey," he murmured quietly, pulling her into his lap. "What happened, princess?"

( y/n's pov )
As BEN asked what had happened, I felt tears form in my eyes all over again. I tried blinking them back, but the tears just rolled over cheeks.

A shameful blush crept across my face as I leaned against his chest, listening to his steady breathing and pounding heart beat.
I didn't want to admit what had happened. It's a shameful thing to admit, but I knew that I would have to tell someone sometime soon.

"I... I went to the," I sniffled and paused, collecting my words. "I went to the bathroom to get fresh air, and... When I got out, I got lost in the crowd, and..."

My voice cracked as I tried talking, my throat suddenly becoming dry and closed off. I felt my body shake as I attempted to silence my tears, becoming angry at myself for getting so upset with how I was reacting to a small problem.

BEN wrapped his arms around me and leaned his head on the top of mine. I had never seen him so calm and serious before.
"Shh, it's alright. Take your time, I'm listening," he whispered, rocking me gently in his arms.

"Some creep came up behind me and... tried to grind on me. He was drunk, but I couldn't get him off of me," I croaked, squeezing my eyes shut to rid them of the scalding tears building up on my lashes.

"He wouldn't let go, BEN. He... he grabbed my chest," I whispered, almost inaudibly. "And so I slapped him... and left..."

I glanced up at BEN's face for a reaction, but quickly looked back down. He looked mad, his jaw clenched and his red eyes narrowed. Was he mad at me...?

"I'm sorry, BEN. It was... my fault for going to the restrooms alone..."

He took his head off of mine, using one of his hands to turn my face towards his. BEN leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead, my cheeks erupting in flames.

"Don't blame yourself, ( y/n ). It isn't your fault," he mumbled, holding my head to his chest. BEN rubbed my back for a who knows how long, the two of us just silent.

( ben's pov )
As I rubbed ( y/n )'s back and held her close, I couldn't help but feel angry at the man that laid a hand on her without her permission. I mean, what the hell kind of person does that?

I would have to find him and get revenge if I could get Slendy's permission. My blood boiled at the thought, but I pushed it away.

All that mattered right now was comforting ( y/n ) and trying to help her feel better. I'd have to find that creep later...

An hour or so must have gone by before I finally looked down at ( y/n ) again, only to see that she had fallen asleep.

Must have been tuckered out from all of the running and crying. I shifted gently so that I was able to wipe the remaining tears off of her cheeks gently.

She really does look like a doll when she's asleep. I stood up carefully, still cradling ( y/n ) in my arms bridal-style. I cracked open the bathroom door and walked out quietly, heading straight to my room.

When I reached my room, I walked in and closed the door quickly. I set ( y/n ) down on my bed and pulled the covers up, tucking her in as if she was a child.

She shifted in her sleep and mumbled incoherently, though she looked peaceful. I smiled softly to myself, shaking my head to no one in particular.

I wasn't tired, but I decided to crawl into bed next to her anyways, just in case she woke up and got scared. Yeah. That's all.

I pulled her close to me gently, cradling her in my arms. At that moment, I felt perfect. Being with ( y/n ) made all of my fears and troubles just melt away. I could stay like this forever...


lol this chapter is so short but thats how its gotta be if i want to do every character with their own chapter B"))

anyways, im gonna do them in random order >>

hope you enjoyed this one!

word count: 817 words

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