suckling pigs and dastardly plans

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love is a stormy son-of-a-bitch
when he wants to be
riling up your blood
pinching your cheeks
n' making 'em blush
holy fuck you're adorable
when you let yourself be
and all this dumb poetry
i'm messing with
makes sense
for a few seconds.

then it leaves me
when you pull on your parka
and head for the door.
you can't know what it is
that you do to me
hell, i don't even quite know myself
but it's love fueling these letters
isn't it?

you gotta tell me
turn around and sit at the table
i'll pull out some
pickled peaches and muffuletta
to snack on and you can tell me
about your sister's dumb baby
and why chopin is your favorite
and if there really is a heaven
i think i'd believe anything that
fell from your mouth
if you only let it fall
when i'm around.

love, we're just animals
and i've gotta be around you
before you leave for another man
or nantucket (fuck 'em)
with that smile and those cheeks
and that goddamn parka
that gets to follow after you
while i'm kept here.
just keep me
in your pocket
when you get on the plane
and don't let go until takeoff.

keep me under your tongue
sour and bitter and everything you hate
and don't forget me
until another man's mouth
finds yours.

let me stay
until then.

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