barely beautiful sickly smart

21 1 0

You're not cute.

I don't think you ever were, darling
Your mother's a filthy liar
And your father looks away at parties
You don't belong to either of them.

You're not pretty.

There's no kiss lining your lips
They're dry and peeling
It is winter after all
There's no dainty nose
Or long eyelashes
To break contact from your
Too-smart Eyes
Oh darling
They know what's behind those Eyes.

Your mother gave you her makeup
Said, Put a little on. You'll feel better.
But you didn't
Where do these lies come from?
Spoon-fed tranquilities have made you
Fatter than dairy cows
Maybe that's why they're here.

Your father gave you his baseball cap
Said, To cover your acne scars.
You didn't really care till then
And then you felt every pair of Eyes
Watching analyzing assessing
Your forehead, the flaws
The wrongs
The not pretty things about you.



I frankly don't give a shit.

We're all like this
We all have these things like gnats abuzz
Sticking to your cheeks
Making your hands sweaty
Frustrating that space between your Legs
But the Eyes-
They'll stay the same for you
I've always liked your too-smart Eyes.

You can't be pretty and cute
And have Eyes like those.

You have to give the rest of 'em a chance.

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