chips and dip pt. I

22 1 0

It begins with a text
Not any old text but one with an emoji
Or two to spice it up
"Entice her," your brain mumbles
And you're stuck in the attic
Rummaging through old films as though
To collect the old you who watched them.

You watch the screen for the . . . like
Man did his prey in the Beginning
And then it appears like a godsend
And you thank those old commercials
From Grandma's House for teaching you
To read between the lines.

Quick! Clear the table!
Comb your hair! Tuck in your shirt!
A goddess is coming over.

She knocks an hour later
You've just finished brushing your teeth
A swinging open door
And there she is
Pretty like a sunrise and not one inch

"I've got chips and dip," you say
And lead her in.

Oh God, it's really gonna happen
You're really gonna be a Man now
Dad was wrong about you

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