no luca

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Val's POV

Once Luca leaves my room, I lay back down. He leaves me feeling emptier than before. Why couldn't you just tell him? It's not like he was going to judge. But he'd probably get mad at me for lying. Even if it was never intended. I could never tell him the whole truth though. He'd be so mad. I attempt to go back to sleep. As I do, a bag is put over my head, and then someone covers my mouth. Muffling my screams. I hear both dogs bark once. Something hits them and they both whimper and then stop. I feel every piece of my heart break just then and there. They hurt my babies. I was going to hurt them worse. After what felt forever of them carrying me, I was finally put into a car.

I couldn't take my hood off, my hands were tied behind my back. After about twenty minutes or so, I was put into a chair. The bag on my head was slowly lifted off. I felt the edge of some wood dig into my skin. I look down and see my feet tied tightly to the legs. I was furious. My hands were still tied together behind me. A man comes out a door but stands in the shadows. I knew that build anywhere.

"Alex. What am I doing here. What do you want?" I ask angrily. He just laughs.

"Good so you're aware it's me. Let's skip the greetings why don't we? Violet babe, please come out." I look at him weirdly. He smiles. "You see, after our little incident, you made me very very angry." I roll my eyes. "Violet comes out and calms me down. Now one thing led to another and." I watch as a very terrified looking girl walked out. My mouth hangs wide open as I see her. "Y-you're p-pregnant?!" I basically screamed. She went to speak, but he raises his hand, making her flinch. She quickly closes her mouth and steps away from Alex.

Was he hurting her? But why did I care?

"Skip the games Alex. What the fuck do you want?"

"Ah. I see you've gotten feistier." He looks me up and down. "You've also gotten prettier." I spit at him. He licks his lips. His eyes find their way to my chest. 

"Swear to god." I mumble."Hey, asshole, my eyes are up here." Fucking pervert. He laughs at me. "Although..." He trails off, looking me over once more. "I don't ever remember giving you those hickeys." He turns to Violet. "Do you remember her being this confident?" He asks her. She shakes her head slowly. 

"I said, get to the fucking point. Now." He laughs again. That laugh was getting really annoying. "Alright. God damn. I just thought we'd make a deal." I perk up. He shows me his phone and my eyes widen. There were Stella and her hubby sleeping. Then there was Matteo and Luca sleeping. "How'd you find out where we lived anyway?" I was curious since he thought he could just show up and snatch me. 

"Easy. There's a tracker in your neck. I planted it when you were drunk." He smiles nastily.

I spit in his face. He's surprised, but it doesn't phase him. He wipes it off and smiles, again. "So, you going to tell me why I'm here or?" I say, trailing off. I was tired. I just wanted to go home and sleep.  "Right yes. So, the Alfonso's are a big rival of mine. They have everything to rule Italy. Except for this one piece of information that I have. They need it, and I was thinking if I could start getting information from the inside, they'll slowly start losing everything. Making me the leader of two Mafias. It's exactly what I need." 

He looks me into the eye. I recommend, if you want these four people to survive, that you start giving me every piece of information you can, or else..." He motions to his phone the he pretends to cut his neck with his finger. "If I don't give you the information you'll kill them." He nods. "Precisely, and for fun, probably you too."

"Just kill me then. I will not put their lives on the line, or betray them. They've become my family. I can't." He shows me his phone once more. There's a guy in Matteo's room, he holds a knife dangerously close to Matteo's neck. No. "PLEASE STOP HE'S ONLY FOUR," I scream loudly. The guy takes the knife away and climbs out the window.

Untouched, Unbothered {Completed}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora