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Valentina's POV

As I got out of the shower, I put a towel on, and walked into my room, I took the towel off, and put my underwear on. I threw on a loose tank and some short pajama shorts. By the time I noticed my door was open, Luca saw me get dressed. He just stood there, leaning on the door, with his arms crossed and eyes staring right at mine.

"Dude what the fuck you pervert." He laughed to himself. "Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just here to tell you Stel wants you in her bedroom soon." He smirked when he said in her bedroom. Yup, he's definitely a pervert. I swear to god this dude. I smiled at him. It was very fake, he laughed walking away, his laugh echoing in my head. Why was he still in my head. He was physically gone, he can be gone mentally now. I laughed as that didn't really make sense.

I walked down the hall to Stella's room. She sat in the middle of her bed, I walked in, and she turned to look at me. A huge smile spread across her face. Uh-oh. What was she up to. I walked in all slow, acting if I was about to get murdered. We both laughed as I walked over and then tripped on a pair of her shoes, landing on all fours. I stood up and walked to her bed. Watching my feet closely so I wouldn't trip again.

I climbed onto her bed, and then sat next to her. I signaled her to talk. She got the hint. "What was my brother doing walking out of your room. In nothing but a towel?" I gulped. We weren't doing anything of what she was thinking, but I didn't think she wanted to know of our little game.

She'd probably think I was using him or something. When in reality I really wasn't, I was going to win our game. I was not a loser. Besides, we weren't going to fall in love. He's said before that he couldn't, and I honestly didn't want to anyway. I was fine being alone now. Anyways back to the situation. What was I supposed to say? 'You're brother got into the shower with me then kissed all over my body, and whispered I won this round.'

I didn't think that'd be any better, so the only thing I could mutter was "Nothing!"

She looked at me suspiciously. "The grin on his face as he walked out, and the one on yours while you were thinking was not 'nothing'. Tell me."

Damn that little detective. And he was smiling about it? Wait I was smiling about it?! How'd I not even notice? I mean my smile was because explaining the situation we were in made us sound like creeps. But maybe he was just smiling because he won? Yeah. 

"There's nothing to tell you, we didn't do anything. He walked into the bathroom, I thought it was you so I said 'Earlier I kicked him in the balls, and was able to get him onto the ground with his arm behind his back. That'll teach him not to mess with me.' and then he walked out, I don't know why he came in the first place but that's honestly all that happened Stel, sorry to disappoint." I said, hinting with the tone of my voice that I obviously wasn't sorry. I smirked as she stared at me annoyed. "Props are given to you, taking my brother down like that. It isn't easy." I chuckled. She then went back to her disappointed look.

"Well, that was boring. Between you and me, I ship you and Luca. No reason either. You just both seem to want to control each other. As if you were trying to say who was better. And Y'all look cute togeth-haha missed me!" She stuck her tongue out towards the door. Someone threw a pillow directly at Stella. I turned and saw Luca smiling.

"Don't finish the sentence if you want me to still love you." Haha, he must've heard his sister shipping us. I mean I was used to things like this. Strawb- I mean Violet was always shipping me with some random dude while Alex was there with me. It didn't bother me. Ugh, why was I still thinking about them? I felt a sharp pain in my heart as I thought about what they did to me. I was brought back to reality when Luca spoke up. He must've seen my face. I was actually thankful he was talking. For once. I scoffed under my breath as I was actually glad he spoke. I need some more sleep.

"Anyways, girls I've got some business to attend, behave, if anything's broken when I'm gone, I'm going to automatically assume it was you, Val. Okay? Okay." And with that, he walked out of the room, down the hallway, until I heard a door slam. I'm guessing the front. And then it was silent. "Uh well, what do you wanna do now that 'boss man' is gone?" I said smiling thinking of all the fun things we could do.

"I think we should have a baking contest. I mean I'm a baker, and you seem like the type, so What do you say?" We had this huge ass mansion to our selves. And she wanted to bake. Oh gosh. This woman. "Fine, only if we do what I want after we finish." She sent me a cheeky smile saying "Deal mio amico!" And with that she quickly got off her bed, pulled her shirt off and changed into an old worn out t-shirt, she then threw me one, giving me a hint to change. I quickly pulled my shirt off, slipped that one on. I looked up, and an apron was being thrown at my face.

I cursed under my breath. Fucking shit couldn't wait till I was ready. I put the apron on, and then made my way down to the kitchen. The kitchen was huge. The island in the middle was huge giving her and I enough space to lay down, and then some. I picked a spot closest to the pantry and fridge. I set a 'divider' on the counter by sprinkling flour in a straight line from one side to the other. She gets her side, I get mine.

Now Stella was right about me being a baker. I applied for a spot in a cafe for a reason. I was the best baker in Ohio, I actually appeared on a baking t.v. show once. It was for the state, then as the show ended, it was declared I was the best baker there. I smiled to myself as I relived that moment of my childhood. Wishing I had it back. A few tears streamed down my face.

Stella wiped them off. I didn't even know I was crying. I sent her a sincere look saying thank you. She nodded saying you're welcome. And then the moment was gone when she squealed looking down on the floor. She quickly jumped onto the counter. I yelled at her. "Why the fuck are you screeching woman?!" She squealed again and then pointed onto the floor. I looked down and saw a snake slithering on the floor.

Awe, it was so cute. It was just a garden snake. It wasn't going to hurt her. How was there one in Italy though? I thought there weren't snakes naturally, at least in Venice. I let it slither onto my arm, and then it loosely wrapped itself on my arm. By then Stella was screeching. I was laughing so hard I was crying. Luca came in, his laugh was booming around the room as he was also crying of laughter.

His booming laugh wasn't scary like those creeps at the bus stop. It was warm and welcoming. I loved his laugh. He walked over to me, still laughing slightly, and put his arm out. Signaling me to give the snake to him. I only started to laugh harder as he brought the snake by Stella, and she was crying now. I felt bad. She must've had an irrational fear of snakes.

"It's not going to hurt you Stel!" I yelled so she could hear me. "Did you not see me and your brother holding it?!" She nodded and quickly ran up the stairs to I'm guessing her bedroom. I looked at Luca and he was laughing just as hard. Oh my god. My stomach. I laughed harder as my stomach was hurting from laughing so much.

I had to seriously sit down. Luca left through the front door again and leaving me by myself in this big living room area. Stella came back out. Very slowly. "Back so soon?" I laughed out, teasing her. She stared back at me, I could physically see the daggers she was shooting at me. Whoops.

"I-Is i-it g-go-one?" She muttered out. "Yes it is, you can come back, you're safe now." I giggled like a schoolgirl as she was tiptoeing over back to the kitchen. She looked like she saw a ghost. She was pale. "Scared of snakes?" I said pointing out the obvious. "Alright Mrs. Funny, I am. I'm very scared of them and I'd rather them be gone. They're not even supposed to be in Venice. I blame Luca. He probably was doing something near here, and it got away. God, I'm going to physically kill him when he's back."

She screamed her last sentence. Only making me laugh hard. She started laughing with me when she heard me. I had to stop laughing it hurt so bad. "Alright," she said catching her breath. "We can start baking now." Her tone was as if nothing just happened. Oh my.

Authors Comments:

So I know my story is starting to get boring again but like it has to build up into what is going to happen later on because I can't just have Luca straight up say something and then everyone goes along with it. I have to build up. Thank you for understanding. The picture is 'Luca' standing in the doorway arms crossed leaning on the frame. I found this picture of him after I wrote this chapter. I thought 'how perfect'. Although I do imagine Luca being taller, more rough looking, and a lot cuter, but you may imagine him however you want!


mio amico: my friend

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