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Val's POV

After Luca and I confess our feelings, we hug. Luca had to leave because apparently, the dogs shit on his bed. I can't help the laugh coming out of my lips. My dogs couldn't be here because they only allowed small ugly dogs. Which you know my dogs are neither, so they stayed with Luca. They've been good for him, and I have no idea why they would poop but whatever.

"It's not funny princess. Their shit stinks." I laugh harder. "Yeah I know it stinks, that's why I'm laughing so much." He sends me an evil glare. I only smile innocently. I stand by him and look him in the eyes. I smile and he smiles back. He kisses me passionately on the lips. We lean in, my forehead resting on his. "I love you," I say.

"I love you princess." Ever since we admitted our feelings we can't stop saying it. And it makes me very happy. Every time we say it though, both girls freak out. It gets annoying but it's alright.

We were outside so that we could get privacy. Once we said goodbye one more time, he leaves, and I walk back inside. When I do, I go to my room and dramatically fall onto my bed. The girls come in with the biggest smiles I had ever seen them both have.

"Awe, you guys are going to get married have a kid and then live happily ever after. I'm so proud of how far you've come in life." Violet says. Stella laughed. "I may have not known you as long, but I am proud of the progress you made with my brother. I'm surprised he was capable of loving someone that's not his family. I'm proud of you both." She beams a smile at me.

I can't help but smile back. "We're not even dating, so there's no way we're getting married. At least anytime soon." They both sigh, and fall on the bed with me, making me bounce a little. Which made me giggle like a school girl. They start to laugh, which only makes me laugh harder.

"Uh...Should I come back later." A deep voice interrupts us. My face quickly grew a whole new color of red. Luca was standing there, watching us laugh like maniacs over almost nothing. I sit up, and so do the girls. They see my face and can't stop laughing. I want to dig a fifty-foot hole, crawl into it, and die. I slowly stand up.

"Uh... No, what d-do you need?" I ask awkwardly. He walks into the room, and grabs my waist and pulls me into a hug, he starts to laugh as well. I put my hands around his back since I was a little too small to wrap them around his neck, and laugh with him.

He pulls away enough for us to make eye contact. Our hands never leaving each other's bodies. "I wanted to ask you something, but I was sort of re-thinking it, seeing how happy you are with the girls." I raise an eyebrow. I look at the girls and they wore the same confused expression as me. "What was it, Luca?" Stella asks.

"I wanted to ask Valentina if she wanted to live with me again, but seeing how happy she is with you guys, and remembering that I don't want her involved in this life, I don't need to ask anymore." He says with a frown, he kisses my forehead, and then let's go of me. Leaving me to feel empty.

He turns around and walks away. I call his name and he continues to walk away. He makes it to the door, and I run after him. I grab his bicep, pulling him backward. "No princess. I can't put you in dangers way. It was selfish of me to even want you to live with me." He continues to walk. I was growing angrier by the second. I use his arm to swing me around and I stand in front of him. I put my hands on his chest and stop him.

"Luca for a minute please stop trying to protect me!" I yell. His eyes grow softer. Less determined. "I'm a grown woman. If I want to live with you I will. I can protect myself. Yeah I may be pregnant, we may become targets for the rest of our lives, but guess what? The baby will have a dad. You and I can have a child together. I already am a target, and look. I'm safe. I'm good. I fucking trust you with my entire life, Luca. I know you can keep me and the baby safe." Tears are now lining my eyes. I stare intensely into Luca's eyes.

Untouched, Unbothered {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now