oh my god yes

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Luca's POV

Once I get Val into the car, I drive to a beach. It's about an hour away, but it's worth the drive. The entire time I'm driving though I see a very confused Val staring at me. I smile every time we make eye contact. Finally, she gets fed up.

"What's going on Luca?" I smile at her once more. "You trust me right?"

"Yeah but I hate surprises, is this going to hurt me?" I only laugh. I bet she's going to like this surprise.

"Then just trust me, I promise you'll like this surprise." She just smiles at me, but it's a very fake one. I can tell that I've made her mad, which makes me laugh.

"Stop laughing at me!" I only laugh harder in response. She playfully hits my arm, and I start to calm down. She sighs and looks back out the window. I start humming to the song on the radio.

Val looks at me and smiles. She turns the radio up. We both start singing at the top of our lungs.

"Oh please say to me, you'll let me be your man. And please say to me, you'll let me hold your hannnnnnnd, Now, let me hold your hand. I want to hold your hand, and when I touch you. I feel happy inside, it's such a feelin' that my love, I can't hide, I can't hide, I can't hide, Yeah, you got that somethin'. I think you'll understand. When I say that somethin', I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hand. I want to hold your hannnd,"

We both start laughing a lot. I can't help falling in love with her even more. "I can't believe you know the Beatles." She says. I smile. "I can't believe you know the Beatles." We both laugh again. "God. We're in love with each other and still learning new things about each other." She says. I smile. "And that's what makes us perfect together," I say quietly. She beams a huge smile up at me.

We finally arrive at the beach. "Here, takes your shoes off so you don't get sand in them," I say. She takes her sneakers off, and I take mine off. We walk hand in hand down the shore. Letting the water lightly get our feet wet. We walk silently, enjoying each other's presence. Engulfing the silence. Occasionally she looks at me smiling. And it's truly a genuine smile. I love it. I smile back at her.

After walking for about twenty-four minutes, she stops dead in her tracks. I was looking off into the ocean so I didn't see her stop. I almost fell on my face.

"What's wrong Val?" I ask. She points in front of her. There's a couple getting married. Right on the beach. A small wedding as well. I see as Val is staring longingly at the wedding. "I promise you a beautiful wedding beach love," I say to her. Her face lights up and she looks at me. "Really?" She says. I laugh at her cuteness. "Yes really. If it's what you want then we'll do it." She squeals a little bit. We both turn around and start walking back to the car.

But not before I did this one thing. I stop her. And look her in the eyes. "Please hear me out?" I say, she looks at me worryingly but smiles and nods. "Good. Okay."

Val's POV

Once we stop and he asks me to hear him out, I'm weary, but I nod. I can tell whatever he was going to say was serious because he was nervous. He'd been fidgeting after the invasion incident.

"Valentina. You're my princess. My rock. Ever since the first day we met, you're the reason I've been able to stay strong and keep moving on." My breath hitches. What's going on?

"Even after every stupid argument, we come back to each other. Stronger than before. And I know that no matter what happens, I'm always always always going to want you by my side. Whatever I'm going through, I want you there. Whatever you're going through, I'll be there for you. I promise you. I love you so fucking much princess. But I want to make you my queen." After he said that he pulls out a small velvet box.

Untouched, Unbothered {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora