where am i?

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Luca's POV

"I know what happened," Sofia says.

"Well?" I say impatiently. "Someone hit her lower head pretty hard." I was furious. She was so innocent. She obviously carried secrets with those scars and things, but she's innocent. She doesn't deserve this shit. I was going to find out who did this. I'm already betting on Alex. He's trying to get revenge on us both by hurting her.

Well, he was not going to get away with it. As soon as I walk out of the room, I was about to close the door when I heard "W-where am I?" Oh, thank god she was okay.

I walked over to her bed, she needed to see a familiar face. "L-Luca?"

"Yeah. How are feeling?" I ask quietly. "I'm alright. Besides this major headache." She laughs out. Even in the bad situations she stayed positive and made jokes, or laughed. That's one of the things that I like.. I mean, one of the things that was cool about her.

"Yeah. You were in the shower and got knocked out. I brought you to the infirmary to get you checked out."

Val's POV

I looked down at my body realizing that I was once naked and relaxed in a bath. I luckily had clothes on but then realized, Luca found me. That means he saw me naked. AGAIN. OH MY GOD. Why?!

"Did you uh.." I pointed to my clothes. He laughed. It was that adorable laugh. "No no, I had Stella come in and get you dressed for me. But I did carry your naked body out of the tub and onto your bed." He smirked. My face was ON FIRE. Holy shit. He carried my NAKED BODY. AGH. Why does this shit always happen to me? I look back up to him and say "Thanks, dick." I say dick quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear me. 

I guess he heard me because he looked at me with surprise at first. "Sofia, please give me and Val a moment?" I looked at who I presume to be Sofia. With my eyes wide open I was pleading for her not to leave. She smiled sweetly at me, almost as if she didn't know what he was going to do. Gosh too innocent for her own good. "Sure thing Mr. Alfonso. I'll be back shortly to check up on her." He then sent an evil smirk at me.

He slowly approached my bed. By now, I was sitting up. I got as far as I could on the bed without falling off. "Where are you going cara?" The way cara rolled off his tongue made me wanna jump the man's bones.

Agh bad bad bad thoughts Val stop. He licked his lips.  Why'd he have to be so hot? As he got closer, he was now on the bed. He was only inches away from my face. My breath hitched. My heartbeat was so loud I'm sure he could hear it. He kept looking at my lips then back to my eyes. I stared at his eyes the whole time. I was trying so hard to not smash my lips into his.

As I leaned in, he dodged me, going to my ear "Nah ah ah, not just yet babe." His voice was low. He looked me in the eyes and winked. He got off the bed and walked out the door. As the nurse walked in, she looked at me. I must've looked crazy. My face was so, so red from the embarrassment, and the feelings fluttering inside of me, and my heart was basically beating so fast I'm surprised it hasn't jumped out of my chest.

"Oh, my sweetie. Are you alright? You look sick." I definitely felt sick. "No I'm alright, just embarrassed myself in front of Luca, and he laughed. I'm alright." She smiled at me. Then went back to checking everything out. As soon as she said I was alright, I walked into Stella's room. "Hey Stel, thank you for dressing me earlier. I'm pretty ashamed of my body, but I trust you, so again, thank you."

"Hey, It was nothing. How are you feeling?"

"Surprisingly I'm not bad. Just a slight headache. I'm good!" I say with a smile. She nods and went back to work. I walked to my room, and just collapsed onto my king size bed. The room may have not been as nice or big, but my huge ass bed was perfect. I knew I was going to sleep just fine on it.

Untouched, Unbothered {Completed}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang