the happy ending

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Luca's POV

Two months have passed. I've almost killed them all. There are about thirty more people. I've missed the fucking crap out of princess. She's been texting me, telling me about the babies kicking and everything, and I pray to god that I'll be done before next month.

The birth of my kids is the most important thing to me right now. If I miss it, I don't think I'll be able to handle it. So as I lay in this bed in the apartment I wait till everyone's done getting ready so we can try and finish off everyone. "Capo we're ready," Luigi says. I sit up and look at all of them. Then I nod and motion them to start walking out the door.

We get in the car and drive to the next location that Chris gives us. We come across seven men. All huddled around a woman. She lays there, unconscious, and the things inside her purse are scattered all over the concrete. We walk up to them, trying our best to hide the Italian accent.

"Hey, What're you guys up too?" I say, trying to convince them I'm no threat. That none of us are. They all quickly speed around and look me in the eyes. They smile.

"What do you want, Alfonso." I smile, murderously at them. Well, I guess I don't have to try and hide the accent. "Your lives." Their eyes widen, but they pull their guns out. But not fast enough because I've shot all of them. One through the head, another through the stomach, a few in the heart, and two of them in the balls.

I see if the woman is alright, but she's already dead.

I turn around to a very bored looking group of guys. It's another eight Russians. "We see you're killing off our mafia. Now we kill yours." One of them says to me. He points his gun at Luigi, but Luigi quickly recovers and shoots three of the guys. I shoot the rest. Laughing the whole time.

"Damn you'd think they'd at least try and train to protect themselves." I laugh out. Chris looks at his phone. "Fifteen more men Capo. Then we're done."

My smile probably looked pretty big. As we walk back to the car, I get a call from Stella. "Hey, baby sis how are you guys doing?" I ask. I hear her breathing start to get heavier.

"Stel? What's wrong?" She takes a breath. "It's Valentina." As soon as she says it my heart stops. I guess my body does too because the guys notice and stop with me. "What's wrong capo." One of them ask. I was too busy to pay attention to who. "What the hell happened to Valentina?" I ask, as calm as I possibly could.

"She's going into labor early, but." I almost drop my phone. "But what?!" I yell. "She's determined to not give birth until you make it here." I start running to the car, the guys follow. "Alright. I'm going to try my fucking hardest to get to Ohio as fast as I can." I say, panicking

She takes another deep breath. "We're in Venice." I let out a frustrated yell. "WHY."

"Calm down Luca. We'll explain later, I promise. But hurry." Then she hangs up. "Luigi get to the private jet now." And we were off.

Four hours later we're in Venice. We land, and I race off the plane. I called a car earlier, and here they were. We race to the hospital, and I run in. I try to keep calm and walk to the receptionist. "Valentina Moretti," I say desperately.

"Sir. Calm down." She says. It only makes my blood boil. "Ma'am this is calm. My fiancé is going into labor with our twins and I haven't seen her in like three months, I don't even know anymore." She looks at me and nods. Then she finally speaks up.

"Fourth floor, room Two-fifty-eight." And I speed to that room. Once I finally find it, I knock, and a doctor opens the door. I look around his shoulder and see Val laying down, and she's freaking out. I quickly push past the doctor and go to her side. I grab her hand, and she yelps. "OH MY GOD LUCA." She screams, frantically pulling me over her and squeezing me.

I hug her back, for a good five minutes. Then she lets go, but with both of her hands she squeezes my face and forces me to look into her eyes. "I've missed you so much. I fucking love you, Luca." She says. I try to smile but with my cheeks being smushed it's kind of hard. I take her hands off and look her into the eyes.

"Holy shit I missed you so much more princess. I love you." She smiles, then groans. The doctor who was sitting by the door comes over. "I need you to go change into something more appropriate." He nods toward the scrubs. I put them on, and they do some things to Val to prep her I'm guessing. Once I'm back, I stand right by Val's side. Squeezing her hand. "You can squeeze my hand when the babies are coming," I say to her. She looks up at me.

"Was already planning too." We both laugh. I lean down and give her a meaningful kiss on the lips, and then whisper next to her ear. "I love you princess. You've got this." She smiles at me.

The doctor gets in front of her and bends down. "Alright Val, start pushing." And she takes a deep breath and starts to push. The grip she had on my hand was fucking crazy. Also, the groans and sounds she was making were horrible. I wish I could take the pain away. Her face. It broke my heart.

After a good ten minutes the babies were out. Granite they were all red and slimy and bloody, they were so fucking cute. The babies were born a month early and were pretty small. They wouldn't be deformed but they'd be small for a lot of their childhood. Val was happy with babies. So was I. They were fucking perfect in our eyes.

After the babies were taken to get washed, Val was left to rest. I lay next to her, making sure she got more room than me. We cuddled and I cradled her body. She was tired. "How are you feeling princess?" She has her eyes closed but I know she's up.

"Like all the time people say childbirth is the worst pain you could ever possibly feel." I sigh. "I'm sorry. I wish I could take the pain away." She opens her eyes this time and looks at me. "I'm not." I look at her confused. She smiles that adorable smile of hers.

"If I didn't go through this pain, the babies wouldn't have been born. Then we wouldn't get to start our family." She was crying happily now. I smile at her. And about five minutes later, a doctor has our babies in her hands. She hands one to me, and the other to Val. She smiles up at me.

"A girl and a boy," I say smiling. "But at the ultrasound you and the doctor said boys," I say she smiles evilly at me. "I knew you were listening and I faked it. I love you." She says. I shake my head but I'm smiling. "You name the girl and I'll name the boy." She says. I look down to my arms.

"Hello, baby girl. I'm your papa, your name is.. hmm let me think. Lilliana Clarissa." I say. And look at Val. "Awe. It's fucking perfect Luca." She says. I smile. She looks down at her arms. "Hey baby boy, it's your mamma, I think I'm going to name you Riccardo Gualtiero." She says, smiling. "It's perfect princess." My smile grows. As we sit next to each other, holding our babies, the girls and Roberto come in. Both of their mouths dropped. They stared in awe.

Val in the softest voice I've ever heard speaks up. "Her name is Lilliana Clarissa. His name is Riccardo Gualtiero." Both girls squeal and run to the bed.

Val carefully hands Lilliana to Stel. I carefully hand Riccardo to Violet. Both of them swooning. I look to Val. "We did it, princess. We have our family. I love you so fucking much." She looks back to me.

"We did it. I love you too." Then she kisses me.

authors comments:

Guys. This is the last chapter of Untouched and Unbothered and I'm crying. I'm going to really miss writing in this story and the characters. Make sure you read the next two chapter things. You won't regret it:) I love you. 

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