Venice Massacre

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I put one foot through the door and stopped in my tracks. I ran into something. It absolutely scared the shit out of me. But I took one look up and "OH MY GOD BABE YOU'RE HERE! Wait how are you here?! It doesn't matter, ugh I missed you so much." My best friend. My number one babe was here. I couldn't believe my eyes. After I hugged her for what seemed like hours, I finally asked her,

"Are you done with community service?!"

"Yes, and the first thing I did was pack, and come here straight away" She replies happily. 

"Ugh oh my god I'm so excited your here, honestly it's been so lonely, but anyways guess what!!"

"What," she says as she giggles.



We continued on how we're gonna share the rent. 

"So I figured we'd each pay half of the rent which would be one thousand five hundred each because the rent is three thousand a month, which is fair."

"Alright I agree, depending on my job it should be easy." She says thoughtfully. "I was thinking that too!"

"Now we have that situated, where am I sleeping boo?"

"This apartment, has two bedrooms, a living room mixed with a kitchen, and then a bathroom and a half bath"

As I finished saying that I heard strawberry whisper "Woah," and I don't know why because it's not that big, but it made me smile because it was adorable.

"You will obviously be sleeping in the other bedroom, but some rules, if I'm here, no bringing guys home understand?"

"Damn, alright, I understand." I laughed, but I was serious, I like my house clean and pretty, and she's messy and unorganized but I still love her a lot. It was around 10:00 p.m. when we ate dinner, then we each headed to our rooms when we heard the t.v. flash on and it looked like it was freaking out. We both looked at each other worried. I thought to myself, Venice is supposed to be one of the safest cities, what's going to happen. Then I remembered something from eight years ago when I was ten years old...

*Eight years ago, Ohio, The News*

Breaking News. Sorry to interrupt your program, but I feel this is much more important. Tonight there was a report that an entire family was murdered. Expect for fourteen-year-old Luca Alfonso. Supposedly the twin sister, Stella Alfonso, fourteen, also got away. But we don't have any information on where she is. Their house was burnt to the ground. Angelo forty, Rosa thirty-eight, and Adriano seventeen were all found in a pool of blood in front of the ashes. If anyone sees the twins, please report to the police immediately. Please send prayers out for the family that was lost. This is the most horrific thing that has happened in Venice, Italy in over a hundred years. The murderer is still unknown, and if there is further info, it will be shared.

Present Day

Once the Anchorman spoke up, it snapped me out of that horrific memory.


Breaking News. The murderer of the Venice Massacre that took place here eight years ago was found. His almost lifeless body was found in the same area that the Alfonso family was found. He was also in a pool of blood with a note next to his body. It read " I am the Venice Massacre killer. I Lorenzo Moretti, killed Adriano, Rosa, and Angelo Alfonso in cold blood on May 15th, 2009."

I looked at Strawberry with tears running down my face, and mouth wide open. She started to walk over to me, to hug me, and I couldn't take it, I just ran out the front door, and kept running. I could feel how weak my body was. My legs felt like they were about to collapse. I knew it was around eleven by now or so, and that I shouldn't be outside but I had to get out of there to clear my head. At last, I couldn't take it, and I let my body collapse.

When, as soon as I started to fall, I felt two strong muscular arms grab my waist and prevent me from falling and hitting my head on the bench next to us. I was somehow at a bus stop now. It was too dark to see the man in front of me. All I could see was his big build and his flawless jawline. He slowly picked me up into an upright position. He had to hold my hips because I was shaking so much. He spoke in a low husky, gorgeous voice,

"What's a sweet little thing like you doing out here at eleven-" he lifted his hand up to my face, and with his thumbs, he wiped away my ever so light flow of tears. "running and crying by a bus stop?" I was afraid he was going to hurt me at first. Not knowing what to do, I squeezed my eyes shut, until he said "Relax doll, I'm not going to hurt you, can I ask what's wrong? "

It's very rare for me to open up to anyone, especially because of my past, but I felt an instant connection like I could tell him anything, and so I told him why I was out here crying. "I-I, w-was watching the n-news, and I, uh th-they c-caught-" He interrupted me and said

"Alright come here." he took me to the bus bench and said "Why don't you take some deep breaths, and try to focus, and relax for a second,"

"O-okay," I said, taking a few deep breaths which really helped me calm down. "I was watching the news, and the man said they found the murderer who killed millions, and the most famous, the Alfonso family, and I-I know the murderer, and I wish he was dead in that pile of blood. I know it may seem horrible, but I have my reasons, and I just couldn't take it and I needed to get away for a second, so I ran. I could feel my body wanting to give up, so I let it, until, y-you caught me. Thank you by the way."

From what I could see in the dark, the man looked like he was analyzing my face and body. Trying to read me. And before I could do the same, "Oh sweetie, me too. I wish the fucking bastard could go burn. But we don't all get what we want. What'd he do to you, it must've been bad to make you freak out this much?"

"I-I got to go, I'm sorry, I kind of just ran out on her and she's probably worried sick. I'm sorry to keep you waiting, thank you for helping me out just now, I really needed it, but I should get going," and as quick as I came in contact with the man, I was gone. I was running home, and then I was home. There sat Strawberry, texting me like crazy, I ran to her, and sat in the comfort of her arms, and just cried. She's the only one who knows why I'm crying like this. Even Alex doesn't know. I went to bed that night. Shaking.

Authors Comments:

So I had some fun writing this because it was definitely more interesting than the last. It may be shorter, but it's alright. There are 1260 words in this. No translation for this one:)

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