'scoot over'

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Val's POV

I run over to the ambulance. There was a man, laying down. The man's face was covered with some cloth. I take it off and scream. Violet and Stella come to my side. They both scream as well. It was Luca. He was alive! His chest was stitched. His chest was also moving up and down normally. His eyes were closed though. I'm guessing they put him to sleep. I quickly get the girls to help me lift him off the stretcher. We were all small. And he was big and tall. It was very hard carrying him. But we were able to set him up in the front seat of the ambulance.

I was in the driver's seat. Luca was next to me, and Stella was on the other side. Violet was squished between the door and Stella. I quickly drive to the safe house. We had Sofia's help this time. She somehow hid this entire time. I guess there are hiding places in the safe house as well. I give her props for surviving this shit.

We bring Luca to his bed. I stay in there. I was going to wait until he woke up. Even if it took all night.

Violet went and got Roberto. Stella gets a cot, and an air mattress and sets it up in his room. Stella takes the cot, and Vi and the baby get the air mattress. I sleep right next to Luca. After about an hour of making sure the doors were locked each window was locked, and that Matteo and the Giordano's were alright, we decided to fall asleep. The girls fall asleep first. But I stay awake.

I had his hand in mine. I stayed there. I snuggle into his side. My head lay flat on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat. It was the perfect song. His heartbeat started beating faster. I lift my head and upper body up. I was sitting up now. I see Luca's eyes open up. Then his hand squeezes mine. I wanted to scream so bad at the moment, but I didn't want to wake everyone up. Instead, I kiss his lips and then squeeze him gently. Maybe it wasn't so gentle.

But I made sure to not squeeze his stitches. He wrapped his free hand around my back.

"You're alive. You're okay. You're awake. Oh my god. Thank the lords. Stay with me this time. Please." I say. "I promise princess." He whispers. I knew with the way he said it, he was wearing that signature smirk of his. He pulls the cover over him and I. He kisses my forehead and falls asleep. Now I could fall asleep.

Luca's POV

I woke up to something on my chest, and in my hand. I then squeezed the hand in mine. I instantly knew it was her. I hear her say some things. The excitement that was written all over her face when she said "You're alive, you're okay, you're awake." Told me something bad clearly happened. I kiss her head and fall asleep. My head was throbbing. I'd figure this out in the morning.

I wake up and look to my side. I felt a slight disappointment when she wasn't there. I go to get up when I see two girls laying on beds on my floor. What the hell? So I carefully step around Stel and walk to the kitchen. I was in desperate need of some ibuprofen. I walk out to Val in my shirt and her short shorts. She was standing over the stove. She looked very sexy at the moment.

I look at the table and see four plates on the table. Then in the middle was eggs, bacon, pancakes, milk and apple juice. I look to Val, she was making the last piece of bacon. She brings it to the table. Then she walks to the medicine cabinet.

After searching for something, she muttered 'a-ha' and then closes the cabinet. She walks around the island and comes over to me. She hands me the bottle of medicine and says, "I'm sure you want some of this." I nod. I was confused at the moment. She goes back to my room. The girls then follow her back out. Both looking very tired. The baby was still sleeping. Val sets up a high chair at the end of the table.

Violet sits down at the end chair. Stel takes the seat next to her. Then Val takes the seat next to Stel. I follow them and sit next to Val. Still fucking confused. I place some food on my plate. Then take the medicine. I quickly follow it with some milk. Then I put my hand on Val's thigh. She looks up from her pancake to me. I smile and say, "Thank you, princess." Quiet enough for only her to hear me. She smiles and says, "You're welcome." Just as quiet. She goes back to her food with a big smile on her face.

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