18-- Smooth Move

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(A/N: These next four or five updates will be spread out a bit from now until Christmas. On Christmas day- or Christmas Eve- I will post the very last chapter of this wonderful book. I love the comments and the support I've been getting! <3 But I might make a follow-up to this book... or some shorts. I'm not sure yet! Unless I just update with little shorts after the last chapter once the book is completed... It depends! I haven't figured it out! But don't worry, I'll still love you when this is finished, reader! ^///^ Now let me stop ranting so you can deal with Daniel.)

Why does every day have to somehow involve Natasha trying to nudge me to tell Loki?? I mean... I know I said that I would go to her for help... But I really don't want to tell Loki!! If I did, that's where I would be! Besides... Asgardians accepting homosexuality?? They're so ancient! How could they accept something like that! Ah... I didn't just call them old... ancient and old are two completely different things... Loki isn't old... well... not that old... WHATEVER... I'm just lucky for Natasha accepting me... but would any one else? Especially Thor's NOT OLD brother??...

After a nice and peaceful breakfast, Natasha was slowly convincing Daniel to tell Loki. However, that only caused an argument to erupt as they were standing in the middle of the empty kitchen.

"Just tell him! What if he feels the same way?"

"No way! What if Asgardians aren't into that kind of thing?"

Thor suddenly poked his head into the doorway of the kitchen at hearing his race. He asked curiously, "What kind of thing?"


Natasha rolled her eyes at Daniel's modesty. "Homo-"

"Smoothies!" Daniel interrupted with a reassuring smile, "We weren't sure if you or Loki would be interested in smoothies. There's a new smoothie shop down the street." Loki soon joined them from the living room at hearing his name loudly exclaimed from the kitchen. Daniel instantly locked eyes with him. "Loki! Would you and Thor like to come have smoothies with us?!" Why in the universe was he being so darn loud??

Thor smiled and nodded his head happily. "We wouldn't mind at all! We would love to have these... smoothies." He said the word slowly and with great interest.

Natasha clapped her hands together with her own smile. "Great! So it's a date! Let's go!" She seemed too self-satisfied with what she had done...

Daniel's attention seemed caught on one term, however, "A date?"

Natasha nodded and said between clenched teeth, "Yes. it. is. a. date. Daniel. RIGHT?"

"Oh, yeah! totally!" He was smiling awkwardly from Natasha's glare.

They all traveled down to the smoothie shop by foot but upon sitting, Natasha quickly stole the spot next to Thor leaving Daniel awkwardly sitting beside Loki who seemed pleased with his chocolate smoothie.

Daniel then decided to break the ice with light conversation, "You really like chocolate?"

Loki shrugged his shoulders, but his pleased expression betrayed his body language. "This is my first time trying a chocolate Midgardian drink. It's quite good..."

Daniel shrugged, though inwardly he was very interested in Loki's likes and dislikes. He commented, "I've never had a chocolate one. The strawberry-banana smoothies are my favorite. I love fruit-flavored drinks."

Loki looked curious as he moved just slightly closer to him to look at the drink. "They used Midgardian fruits in it? Is it like wine?"

"It's not alcohol..." Daniel paused trying to figure out how to explain it. "You see, it's kind of like your chocolate one. It's just more fruity."

Thor and Natasha were having their own quiet conversation while they watched the two across from them intently. Natasha evidently knew what she was doing there.

Loki grabbed Daniel's wrist and pulled the drink closer to peer into it, neither of them noticing the eyes on them. "It looks decent for a fruity drink that isn't wine."

"Well, it is my favorite." Daniel was surprised that he managed to keep his cool with having Loki's hand around his wrist and at such a close proximity.

Loki looked curiously at him and had a hopeful glimmer in his eyes as he asked, "Might I taste it?"

There was an awkward silence as he started stuttering, "uh... w- well... um..." Natasha suddenly kicked him under the table and he instantly replied, hiding a wince behind a forced smile, "Yeah, sure."

Loki tasted the drink, not even bothering to drink with another straw. He used Daniel's straw to drink from Daniel's drink. "Mmm... I can see why you like it so much. But I still believe chocolate is the better drink"

Daniel was too darn awkward to furtherly drink from the same straw that Loki used, but regardless... he did and he tried to avoid an awkward blush as he did so. "I- I can't drink chocolate. It actually makes me very sick."

Loki paused and looked at him in concern. "Is that why you seem so flushed? I'm sorry... perhaps I should have used a different straw..."

"That... that isn't it. I'm sorry, it's just a little hot in here." Knowing that Loki was worried for his wellbeing made the temperature feel even hotter, which was odd since he was usually always cold.

Loki then went back to his own drink. "Oh, I see." He nodded in acknowledgment. "I understand."

It's so hard to hide these feelings for Loki. Natasha isn't making any of this easier either! I have this strong urge to kiss him but... no way. I wouldn't do that in front of the others! But would I do it if it were just Loki and me? That's another question that needs answering. I don't think I have the guts, no matter how bad I want to! Uuuuurrrrgggghhhh!! STUPID DATE!!!

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