5-- Frozen Feelings

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It's been a rough couple of weeks. You have NO idea. I didn't even have the idea that SHIELD could hold such a grudge. I mean, sure, Loki IS a criminal... but not by choice!

Loki made me swear not to tell anyone, it was in his best interest to keep silent but I was on his side and he knew it. He told me all about Thanos and how the scepter can change one's attitude and mindset without them even knowing. It's absolutely crazy.

I didn't tell him that. That would have just been rude. But no matter how many times he asked me to keep it a secret I still never understood why. It could help him significantly if they knew the truth, but he refused to let the truth slip.

But thanks to me and the other Avengers, we were able to lessen his punishment into something more suitable for everyone.

Loki was an Avenger! But we constantly had to keep an eye on him in and out of Stark Tower which we now claimed as our base. Of course, Steve had his own apartment in Brooklyn, Natasha and Clint were still Agents of SHIELD, and Bruce- well, he had no other place to go in America, so he stuck around as Tony's science bro. Since Loki had to stay on Midgard and serve his time, he and Thor made their home nicely in the tower as well. Tony accommodated them with their own floor, featured with security cameras galore. It wasn't too shabby.

But where did that leave me? Right? I wasn't about to get sent back to California after my heroic display. Um... wait... put quotes around 'heroic display'. But, anyway, I also got my own place in Stark Tower. It's honestly the coolest floor ever! I'm not sure if I'll ever want to go home after this! It has all kinds of stuff for me to train! My shapeshifting abilities were obviously taken into account as they had equipment for all kinds of different creature training! 

If I'm being entirely honest, the only reason SHIELD desperately wanted me to stay around is because they wanted me to be Loki's... um... master or whatever. Collar. Leash. All that good stuff-

Yeah, no, not really. Sorry to disappoint, reader. This isn't sub and dom.

But I'm really just wanted to keep a close eye on Loki and keep track of him and his antics.

Daniel flinched as a large person suddenly plopped down on the sofa beside him. He closed his book and placed it in his jacket pocket as he looked over at Thor. "Uh, hey, man. Where's Loki?"

"In his room, as usual," Thor added with a dejected sigh, "Refusing to communicate with his teammates."

"That's not what I said," Loki announced as he came to sit on the sofa, at the farthest edge from Thor and I. "I only said that I didn't wish to deal with Stark's antics. He is the one I am avoiding communication with."

Daniel shrugged his shoulders as he leaned back with his full attention now on the two Asgardians. "He's not so bad once-" He stopped and sighed seeing the looks he was receiving. "Right, okay, so he's pretty bad. But he isn't the only one in the tower."

Loki's nose scrunched up as he asked, "Are you suggesting that I... 'hang out' with Thor?"

"Well, there's also Banner and then there's also me," Daniel shrugged a second time as he pushed Thor a little closer to where Loki was sitting. "But why not? I mean, brothers hang out. Thor's your brother."


"Yes, brother," Thor exclaimed, completely missing Loki's mutter. "I would be glad to hang out with you!"

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