Chapter Nineteen: The Ueda Sisters

Start from the beginning

After a while of walking around, the Ueda sisters find a small and cheap hotel to stay in. As the crew gets comfortable, Alex asked in a tone as if suddenly realizing something "Where are your parents?".
"What are you talking about, we're 23 years old!" Satomi replies while giggling about the notion.
  Alex just stares at the Ueda sisters in disbelief, as Zia asks "Where did you learn to speak English? I've noticed almost everybody here seems to understand English really well... not to say it's completely unexpected, I just mean that it's kind of impressive".
  "I'll take that as a compliment" Mikoto says. "We learn English here at a young age in school now".
  "It really has become the universal language then" Finn says.
  Stretching out across the floor and getting more comfortable, Satomi replies "Well yeah. Most of the great military powers in the world speak English, so the rest of the great nations decided to use it as a middle ground. Our economy relies heavily on our ability to trade and communicate with our allied and neighboring countries".
  "That actually makes a lot of sense" Zia adds. "But we were told by an insider information source that the economy here is collapsing and The Ly'Lum wants to 'promote' a new economy in its place".
  "That's because it IS collapsing" Satomi replies.
  "And they do want to replace the economy" Mikoto says. "In fact, they want to replace the government entirely here".
  "How is this happening?" Zia asks.
  "They're the ones doing it" Mikoto replies. "They're the ones slowly taking over the other great nation's economy and government. When they do that, they directly impact our economy as well! They already have control over almost all of the great nations. At this point, I think the only ones left now are us, Russia and Great Britain".
  Sitting up in alarm, Siran nearly shouts as he says "Then we must find a way to stop them from taking Japan too!"
  Satomi and Mikoto sitting up as well, but remaining relatively calm, Satomi says "Whoa, slow down there buddy! Take it a little bit slower. We can't just go in guns blazing".
  "Well" Siran says, "we know that. We just need to form a plan as soon as possible!"
  "You gotta take it a little easy at least" Mikoto says. "You're obviously over stressed, take some time to enjoy the little things while they last too".
  Siran couldn't find a proper argument to that, but Alex could. "We don't have time, we don't know how fast The Ly'Lum plan on moving!"
  "Hey!" Satomi interrupts, "You're in our house at the moment, haven't you ever heard the saying about 'When in Rome' or something?"
  "Yeah, when in Rome do as the Romans do, we get it. Also, what do you mean your house?" Alex replies.
  "Well" Mikoto says, "it's not our house since this is a hotel, but we are staying with you".
  "I didn't agree to this!" Alex raises his voice.
  Seemingly still relaxed, Zia says "Well I think it could be fun".
  Almost jumping to their feet for joy, Satomi and Mikoto both get up in excitement as Mikoto says "See? At least one of you are in your right mind!"
  Seeing an opportunity, Rose jokes around. "I'm in my left mind" she says. Although, the whole room didn't really laugh at all. "Okay... I get it... wasn't funny".
  "Well" Satomi says, "we're going out with the girls. We'll go have some fun ourselves, and you guys can be miserable by yourselves".
  Sitting in the floor, on her laptop as usual, Holly responds "Ah... leave me out of it. I don't really care for going out".
  Getting excited, Rose jumps up. "A girls night out! I'm interested!"
  As the girls leave, with the exception of Holly, the room gets quiet. Unsure what to do for the time being, the remainder of the crew sits in silence as Holly taps away on her computer.

After the girls return, Zia and Rose were dressed in new clothes similar to a Chinese style Cheongsam dress. Their tops were short and ended at the waist, and they each had pants that matched their tops. Zia's dress was red with gold vine patterns sewn throughout the dress. Rose's dress was a light purple with black lining and cherry blossom petals etched throughout the dress. Both of their dresses were nearly skin tight. Finn and Siran were fixated on Zia and Rose, as to where Alex didn't show any interest at all and Holly was still tapping away on her laptop. The Ueda sister stand by their sides as Mikoto says "How do you like the new clothes?"
"We thought the Chinese style dress fit them a little better!" Satomi adds.
Alex and Holly still expressed no interest as Siran and Finn were left speechless. Looking down at her own dress, Zia says "I like it so far. It isn't very hard to move in at all, so it should be fine to fight in these clothes. What do you think, Siran?"
Still speechless, Siran lets out an elongated "Uh..." before Mikoto interrupts.
"Is fighting seriously all you guys think about? Don't any of you think of anything else?" She asks.
The whole crew just shrugs as Holly was the only one to raise her hand before going back to tapping away on her computer.
In a somewhat pouting manner, Satomi shouts "You all need to get out more! Don't you have like a family or something waiting for you back home?"
"Nope" Siran replies.
"No" Zia says next.
"Huh-uh" Finn adds.
"None to speak of here" Alex says.
"Nnnnnope" Holly says, as if thinking for a moment while on her computer.
"Never knew my family" Rose says.
"Wow, no wonder you're all so messed up!" Mikoto says in a disappointed yet sad tone. There was a long awkward silence before Satomi and Mikoto go to the kitchen to grab something to eat and come back to the room. After a while, Rose says nervously "W-well thanks for the new clothes... they're cute... or kawaii I guess?"
Mikoto and Satomi both drop their forks on the ground and stare at Rose in a sort of nervous and creeped out expression.
"Please.... don't" Satomi says. "A thank you is enough".
  "Anyways" Siran says, finally getting his head on straight, "what do you have in mind to deal with The Ly'Lum. I'm open to suggestions if you have an idea on how to handle this without violence. I mean, believe me when I say, if I don't have to get violent then I absolutely won't".
  As if building up confidence, Mikoto and Satomi both straighten up their posture as Mikoto says "Then it really is a good thing we met after all! You want to help take down The Ly'Lum, and we have the skills to help prevent them from progressing onto their plan at an accelerated rate!"
  Seeming skeptical, Alex asks "and that is?"
  "Music, duh!" Satomi replies. "Never underestimate the power of music! If we can use music correctly, we can make people aware or even paranoid of what surrounds them. If push comes to shove, music can be used to galvanize people! Make people rise to action and stand up for themselves! Play our cards right, and we can have the whole nation fight, rather than fight ourselves while worrying about carrying everyone else's problems on our backs! Either way, it'll effectively slow down The Ly'Lum's progress!"
  "That's actually an amazing idea" Zia says both shocked and amazed.
  Seeming impressed, Siran sits back and pulls out his metal card with the number 9 on it. His calling card in The Six Guns. "If you ask me, you not only have the same goals as us, but the same ideas as us too... I like that"
  "What's that?" Satomi asks, pointing at the card.
  "This is my calling card" Siran replies. "We are The Six Guns".
  Shocked and almost afraid, Mikoto says "Wait! I've heard of you! People say you're terrorist targeting The Ly'Lum blindly!"
  "Well" Siran says, scratching the back on his head, "terrorist isn't the word I would use, and we don't attack them blindly".
  Standing back up, Zia shares in saying "The Ly'Lum killed my family and my clan!"
  "The Ly'Lum killed my friends I had back in Cairo!" Rose adds.
  "As you can see, we all have a story" Siran says. "I don't want you to think we're bad people, so if you want us to leave then that's fine".
  Thinking for a little while, the Ueda sister take time to remember the time spent with them so far. Finally, Satomi says "We don't think you're as bad as they say for sure. To be honest, we didn't actually care about The Six Guns to begin with. It was more of a surprise to just run in to you by chance".
  "Almost like we're the famous ones, ain't it?" Siran jokes, then says, "we'd like to help you out with your situation here and prove ourselves in the process". As he says this, he pulls out two more metal cards. One with the number 1 on it and the other with the number 2 and holds them out to the Ueda sisters. "Before you start your big performance job, and try to rally people, we'd like to let you know that we're now your number 1 fans... and we hope you'll be ours too".
  Taking a moment to think, the Ueda sisters smile and say together "You've got yourselves a deal!" as they each grab a card. Satomi took the number 1 and Mikoto took the number 2 card.
  "Welcome to The Six Guns" Siran says with a smile.

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