Chapter Fifty: Calm Before the Storm

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Before they leave, Ying gives them her number so they can contact her later. Siran gives Ying a calling card with the number 6 on it, and Siran then realizes they haven't given one to Ruby, so Ruby got the card with the number 7. The crew leaves without her and heads back to Balphor. Once again trying to avoid Hunters, the crew makes it back to Vivi's house in Seeira. When they get there, plenty of people in Seeira were discussing the attack a few weeks before. They all knew the Hunters were there, but they all also debated whether or not Predator was sent from The Ly'Lum. However, on the news, The Ly'Lum denied any involvement with Predator. The Ly'Lum soldiers themselves didn't know anything about Predator, since it was a secret weapon from The Mages directly. At the same time, no one knew that. Most of the people in Seeira had also began avoiding The Six Guns whenever they walked by. Some people had seen the fight with Predator, and they didn't want to be too close to The Six Guns after that. As The Six Guns get their bikes they were given by Don, they felt as if someone dangerous were watching them. As they leave on their bikes, Siran turns his head and sees three men dressed in all black suits with a plain white tie. They watched the crew drive away, but didn't say a word. The crew makes it to Pilloa, just outside of Vega when suddenly the sounds of several vehicles could be heard. There were four armored vehicles, and out of each of them eight men in all black suits with white ties stepped out.
"Got a moment?" The man in the front asks Siran. It was the same man Siran had seen watching them as they drove away from Seeira.
"We've been tailed" Siran says as he reaches for his gun.
"Hang on!" The man shouts, "I'm not here to get violent!". The man put his hands in the air to reveal he had no weapons or visible charms. "My name is Blake. Blake Russel".
"You're Hunters, aren't you?" Siran asks.
"Yes" Blake says. "We're The Yin Hunters. But we're not a group of senseless mercenaries, like what you're probably used to".
"What are you here to talk about?" Siran asks, his hand still hovering over his gun".
"Well" Blake says, "the fight between The Ly'Lum and the rest of the world has gotten out of hand. Seeira is a good example of that. No matter how much money we could get from your head, it'll be worth nothing if we don't stop the world from falling into such a crisis".
"Are you asking us to help you fight The Ly'Lum?" Zia asks.
"That's accurate, but no" Blake says. "I'm asking you to let us join YOU in fighting The Ly'Lum".
"Come again?" Siran asks.
"Look" Blake says, "we were never your enemy".
"So far" Siran interrupts.
"Yes, so far" Blake says, "and we never planned on attacking you. Like I said, we're not as senseless as most other Hunters. We know about who you are and we know you didn't simply let that thing just attack Seeira. We're on your side here. We believe you're the good guys, and we're willing to go out of our way to help you. What do you say?".
"I say kill them" Ruby says.
"No, we do need the help" Siran replies. "You've got yourselves a deal. However, if you guys make any false moves, you'll have to answer to me".
"Those conditions are simple enough" Blake says. "Are you guys trying to get into Vega by any chance?".
"Uh... yeah" Tanya says, "how'd you know about Vega?".
"We go here frequently" Blake says. "Need any help?".
"No, we can get in just fine" Tanya replies.
The crew enters Vega, this time paired with 32 other people. As they move throughout Vega, many people had their eyes on them. The crew enters Shark City, and make their way to Don's hideout. Before they made it to the hideout, Don met with them on the street.
"You're back" Don says, "Who are all the extra idiots?".
"Hunters" Siran says.
"Like... the ones that are hunting you?" Don asks.
"We're going to have to skip the small talk" Siran says, "this is important. We need your help".
"The answer is no" Don says.
"The job is taking down The Ly'Lum for good" Siran says.
Don freezes for a moment and thinks. "That's pretty sudden" he says. "Last time you were here, you were telling the world who you are and looking for support, but now you want our support?".
"Sounds about right" Siran says.
"Look, Siran" Don says, "I hate you almost as much as I hate your name. However, you've managed to pique my interest. If there's one thing in the world that I hate more than you it'd be The Ly'Lum".
"Do we have a deal?" Siran asks.
"I'll need some time to think about it" Don says. "You might want to stick around Vega for a few days anyways. It's become a shit show topside, on the surface".
"You don't have to tell me that" Siran says, "we've seen it up close".

The Six GunsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora