Why the hell was she in jail? What could have happened? And why was she in Bradford for? Who was she with? Sarah was here I saw her this morning. Then who was she with?

Did she have a similar crowd around her? Of course she did. How stupid could I get? I saw them all in the party.

I couldn’t believe I genuinely believed she changed. I was stupid enough to think that a simple conversation would affect her and make her a better person when I knew better than that. I got fouled by her innocent act.

But what if this was all a big misunderstanding? What if she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Or what if it was about something she did before she changed?

I was really desperate to believe she did change. We were finally becoming like normal people, like normal sisters.

Hearing my phone ring, I quickly grabbed it but my fingers where shaking so much that the phone almost dropped but I caught it before it slipped totally.

“Hello?” I answered eagerly hoping for good news.

“Hey, Babe. Danny paid her bail and he said once they let her go he’ll have her call you.” Zayn informed me and I sighed in relief.

“Thank you so much, Zayn. You literally saved me. I had no idea what I was going to do.” I was talking fast as relief washed over me not even believing that it was all over.

“Anything for you, babe. I have to go, I have an interview. Talk to you later. Love you.” He said hurriedly that’s when I noticed the noise behind him as his name was being called.

“I miss you, babe.” I mumbled when I heard the line go dead and sighed because he didn’t hear me.

 Just before I placed my phone back on the counter it rang again so I hurriedly answered it.


“Hey Maggie.” I heard Nadia’s voice. It was weak and muffled by her sniffles which made me worried.

“Are you out?” 

“Yeah,” She sniffled and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.

“Is Danny with you?” I began to think rationally now and try to figure out how she was getting home.

“Yeah.” Her answer was short and her voice was barely audible.

“Great. It’s okay Nadia. You are safe now, don’t worry.” I tried to calm her down a bit. She must be scared and shocked. “Can you put Danny on the phone?”

“Hello?” I heard a deep muscular voice answer.

“Danny?” Even though I knew it was him, I still asked. Just to be sure.

“Yeah.” He replied.

“Hey,” It was a stupid thing to say but I didn’t know how to begin. When he replied with another ‘Hey’ I continued talking, “thank you so much for helping Nadia out. I’m really sorry we ruined your night.”

“Don’t say that Maggie. Zayn is like my brother and soon you’ll be my sister in law.” His voice was sweet and felt a little easier talking to him now that I knew how nice he was.

 “Thank you. I know this is going to sound annoying and probably just adds to the list of ruining your evening but can I ask you a favor?” I was hesitant about this. I was already feeling a little guilt that he came to her rescue and basically dropped his own plans but I had to at least try to ask him to do this.

“Maggie, really, I think of you as a sister already and when Zayn comes home you’ll know that we don’t ask each other favors we demand what we want. Whatever you want I’ll do it.” His kindness just made me blush and feel even guiltier about this whole situation.

All Of Me - (Islamic fiction, Z.M. Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now