Chapter Fifty Five

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"Who are you?" Harriet asks, stepping forward, his gun still pointed at them. 

"Harriet, drop the gun" I said, firmly. He gives me the 'are you sure look?' and I nod.

"There friends" I said and he lowers the gun down before stepping back as I return my attention back to the four boys in front of me; Jack, Lincoln, George and Jace. 

"What are you doing here?.... with these guys?" Jack asked, lowering his gun as he steps closer to me. 

"I could ask you the same question" I replied back, searching his eyes for answers, but I come up with nothing; they are complete cold and vid of any emotion. 

"We realized that Molly went missing, so we tracked her back to here" Jace spoke out and Lincoln literally facepalms. 

A wave of confusion yet anger courses through me at the sight of them. I have this urge to yell and ask so many questions at them, but I push that thought away. I block off my inner thoughts and bring back a side I don't really like, but it gets the job done. 

"Good, cause that's what we're here for, too..... as well as David" I replied, emotionless before walking past them and towards the door, to which Molly is in. I stare at the four bodies lying on the ground as my guts twists as I reach down and snatch the keys of the green hair guys belt. 

"Are you with Thomas and the gang?" George asked cautiously and I stop in my movements, hesitating. 

"You are aren't you?" Jack whispers as I keep silent. 

"I heard you all were too....... Guess I wasn't the only one keeping things was I?" I said, bluntly before turning around and putting the key into the lock. I turn it and the familiar click sound is heard before I push the heavy metal doors. open.

I open it and see just a small chair in the middle of a spotlight coming from a small window behind it. Something white is folded and placed on the seat of the chair and it grabs my attention as I start to make my way there. I pick it up as I slide my pistol back into it's holster before unfolding the paper. 


I feel the anger and frustration starting to rise through me as I re-read the words over and over again. 

"What does it say?" Lincoln asked as they all start to step into the room. 

"You can read it" I said, walking to him and passing it to him before walking out the room, ignoring Jack's hard stare at me. 

I still can't believe each one of them are in the gang were in the gang......Like Lincoln for example, he's such a bubbly, positive person yet he still manages to point a gun at someone and end their lives... I guess I never knew who they really are, yet they never really knew who I was either. 

"Theo?" I said, bringing my hand to my earpiece as I try to contact him. 

"Yeah? You alright?" He asked and I nod. I forgot that he can't see me so I replied with a yeah. 

"We just have a slight problem...." I said, trailing off at the end. 

"Okay?" He asks, unsure. 

"Molly's not here and there is a note saying that we're to late" I said, explaining the dilemma to him. 

"Theo?!?!....... He's on this too?" Jace asked from behind me and I ignore his comment. 

"We need to find her now, Theo. God knows where he's taken her" I said to him, feeling my frustration rise even further as I try to rack my brain for answers. 

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