Chapter Fifty Two

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Have you ever felt so nervous you just want to run away and not deal with it at all? Well, that's me right now. Obviously, our team won and got their spot in the championship playoffs, which means that I have to talk to Jack about what happened..........

It's not that I don't want to talk about it, it's just... I felt so confident and okay with discussing it but now I just want to run away and not deal with it. The thing is is that I want to fix things between us but at the same time I'm afraid of what he'll say. I know pretty much all the things a guy would probably say to get 'their' girl back after cheating on them. Trust me, it ranges from 'I didn't mean it, seriously' to 'Oh come on. That meant nothing to me'. Cue the eye roll. If the guy really truly cared about you, they wouldn't have done it in the first place and stuck to you through everything.

And I think that's what I'm probably afraid of. I felt something different with Jack than with Dylan, obviously in a good way. Jack made me feel so loved and that I was worth something in this world and everything about him was so much more than what I felt with Dylan. I thought I loved Dylan and that he loved me back but then when I met Jack, it changed my perspective on love. I was blinded in my old relationship and didn't really see the big picture and I thought it was love. And that's when I realized that with Dylan, it wasn't love... it was more like I was attracted to him whereas with Jack is more than just being attracted to him.

When I caught Dylan with Brittany I lost all my self-confidence and fell in the deep end. But then when I saw her with Jack, I felt like my whole world crashed down. Like everything I've built around myself to get back to where I was before just instantly broke and shattered like a mirror. I'm afraid that when he explains what happened it'll be just like before with Dylan and then I'll fall even harder and this time Olivia won't be there for me. I won't ever have someone like her to pull me back out.

"Vic!" someone calls, bringing me out of my thoughts and back to reality. I look around and spot Jack, holding his equipment bag as he jogs over to me.

"Hey," He said once he got close to me, dropping his bag beside us. He brushes a piece of hair out of my face before cupping my cheek, his touch creating sparks.

"Hi," I said, awkwardly as I know what's coming up. He senses it and looks down, his hand dropping as he licks his lip.

"I guess I owe you an explanation," He said, meeting my eye as he scratches the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said, trying to sound as casual as possible whilst attempting to calm my nerves.

And so he starts from the very beginning from the bartender to the part where she kisses him and that he had no idea she would do that.

"I should have seen that coming but I didn't and I'm sorry" He finishes. I look away, trying to take in all this information before nodding slowly.

"I get it...... I guess I should also apologize for overreacting. I should have talked to you first before jumping to conclusion and I'm sorry, too" I said, looking at him.

"Just after my relationship with Dylan and all the desperate messages he gave me and how he actually did it just got me afraid that maybe you did the same and let her use you like she used him.......I'm sorry for assuming shit and I know that you are nothing like him and now that I've heard what you said I-" I start but he cuts me off by crashing his lips onto mine.

I instantly forget everything I was thinking as I start to kiss him back. I feel the world stop and and the only thing I can think and feel is him. He wraps his strong arm around my waist, pulling me so our bodies are flushed up against each other as his other hand holds the back of my neck, in a possessive manner. I hook my arm around his shoulder as my other grabs a hold of his huge bicep. His tongue slips into my mouth ad I grip onto him harder as I try to resist a soft moan.

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