Chapter Thirty

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"You okay? You seem.... nervous" I ask Jack as we walk out of English.

"Yeah, I'm fine," He said, not even glancing at me. I frown at him but he doesn't seem bothered as he laces our fingers.

"Okay... then" I mumble as we stop at our lockers before heading to class. Just before we head into class, Jack stops and I turn around and frown. 

"I need to do something, right now, but you can go to class...I'll um... I'll just um... I'll be right back" He said, scratching the back of his neck before quickly walking away from me.

 I stare at him my eyebrows pulled together as I try to figure what just happened. I watch his retreating figure as he picks up his pace into a light jog before turning the corner almost bumping into a sophomore. What's up with him? The bell rings and Ms. Earnhardt yells at me to get into class. I turn around and quickly head into class, Molly comes in behind me, smiling like an idiot as we both take a seat at the back. 

Once the bell rings at the end of class Molly stands up and grabs my elbow, dragging me out of the classroom. Ms. Earnhardt yells at me to come back cause she needs to talk to me, probably about my marks.

"Sorry, Ms. but Victoria needs to be somewhere important right now, but she can stop by around lunch?... Great, we'll see you later" Molly yells back as she drags me towards my locker. 

"Where are we going?" I ask her as she roughly pushes towards my locker. 

"Open it and put your stuff away. Hurry up, you have ten seconds... Oh and grab your jacket, it might be a bit chilly" She said, as she crosses her arms in front of her. I frown at her before I hesitantly turn around and open my locker. I put my stuff away and grab my jacket and close my locker. Just as I do so, she grabs my arm and half drags, half pulls me towards the back doors. 

"Why the hell are you dragging me? Molly where-" I protest. 

"Shut up! We can't be late" She said as she pushes the door open. The cold fall wind hits me and I start to shiver. 

"Why are we going to the football field? And late for what exactly?" I asked as she drags me to the bleachers. 

"Sit" She demanded pointing towards the bench. I raise an eyebrow and reluctantly sit on it. 

"Now, don't move, I'll be right back," Molly said. Before I can ask her questions on what the fuck is going on, she runs towards the change rooms. I yell at her to come back before I ultimately give up and do what she said. As I sit here for a few minutes, I start to feel the autumn wind send shivers on my arms. I shrug on my jacket and cross my arms in front of me. Whatever the hell is happening better be good. 

Suddenly the sound of music coming from loudspeakers blast out. It makes me jump, however,  football team start to come out on either side of the bleacher. I frown, what the hell is happening. All of sudden a few girls from the cheer-leading team come out and start doing a routine and shaking their pom-poms. Suddenly, the music stops and it starts to play chasing Fire by Lauv. 

🎶I wanna hate you 'cause I still love you

And it's weighing on my chest

We keep our bodies tied together

To ignore what's coming next🎶

The sound of a familiar male voice starts to sing along. I frown before seeing a figure on the other side of the field. I squint and see that it's Jack, a microphone in his hand as he starts to walk towards me. The football and cheer-leading team start to make way for him as he walks. 

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