Chapter Twenty Five

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Jack's POV

I couldn't sleep at all. Not. At. All. Nothing. Nada. Absolutely nothing. I couldn't stop thinking about that night and Victoria. Hearing the silent beeps and the occasional snoring coming from Mr. Brown keeps me awake. I look at the clock that sits on top of the doorway, it reads 4:00 am. I sigh and rake my fingers through my hair. Mrs. Brown left a hours ago -a little bit after George did. Even though visiting hours are over, Mr. and Mrs. Brown let me stay with her as well as her father, since she's still a minor.

I haven't moved or spoken a word ever since I ate. I'm afraid that if I go to get water or even look away for her for a split second, she might wake up and I won't be there with her when she does. I want to be the first person she sees and speaks too. I know that's selfish but I still feel the guilt pulsing through my veins every second that passes while she's laying on that bed unconscious. I need to tell her how sorry I am and that I love her so much. I clutch onto her hand tighter and take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Vic...... I really am..... I shouldn't have pushed you away like that.......I'm just afraid to tell you..... to tell you everything I've done...... to put all my burdens on you....... you don't deserve that shit.... hell you deserve someone better than me..... someone less...broken...... weak" I said, feeling a lump form in my throat.

"I love you Vic.... I want you to know that............. I want you to know that so that when..... when you wake won't leave me..." I said swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I understand if you tell me you don't want me or that you don't love me...... but I want to tell you that no matter what you feel for me or how much you hate me, I'll always love you....... It'll tear me apart knowing that you don't feel the same way..... but I won't leave you and I won't stop fighting for you until you tell me to stop..... although even if you do tell me to stop, I won't stop........... cause I won't stop loving you........ you hear that... I won't stop loving you.." I said, pain laced in my words as my eyes become watery. I quickly wipe my eyes and shake my head.

I stare at her and the emotions get stronger. I move my chair closer to the bed and caress her cheek. I stroke her cheek lightly with my thumb as I remember everything that happened between us. Everything from the very first moment I laid my eyes on her to her telling me all about Olivia. I just miss the moments where we would make out on the couch or just laying beside each other in a comfortable silence. It takes me back to that night where she spent the night with me and the twins the first day she met them.........

"Yes! I won!" Victoria shouted, standing up and raising her arms in victory.

I scoff. " You only won because I let you," I said rolling my eyes, a playful smirk on my lips.

"Yeah, totally. You totally told the dice to roll a two and land on my property with a hotel that just coincidentally got you bankrupt" She said rolling her eyes as she crosses her arms in front of her. I smile, she's cute when she gets sarcastic.

"Yeah, I agree with Victoria! You just won't admit that you lost!" Bella said pointing a finger at my chest. I pretend to bit her finger and she screams, clutching her finger to her chest.

Mathew rolls his eyes before yawning and farting at the same time. The three of us throw our heads back in laughter. I clutch onto my chest as I lean against the sofa behind me. Bella's high pitched laugh cuts through. Vic tumbles to the ground, clutching her stomach as her head falls onto my lap. Mathew's cheeks are red with embarrassment as he sits awkwardly there as the three of us laugh our heads off.

"Nice one, Mat," Vic said wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Yeah, nice one," I said smiling and nodding.

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