Chapter Fourty Five

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As winter break comes around the corner, the teachers are rushing to get us to finish all the assigned projects and it's very pressuring. Being the usual procrastinator I am, I left at least half my projects are undone or halfway done to last minute, including Jace and Molly. The three of us video chatted, trying to finish our assignments since Jace doesn't understand what he's doing and every single day for the past week and I haven't slept one bit. Luckily we all managed to finish it with the help Jack and Theo who would occasionally drop by. Jack would bring me some coffee to keep up or offered to do it for me while I take a break, to which I refuse each time.

Today is the day all the projects are due and luckily all three of us managed to pull it off. We finished around 3 in the morning and I had to wake up four hours later to get ready for school. I woke up feeling the worst ever due to the lack of sleep and I put lots of concealer on to cover the massive dark circles under my eyes. I throw on a grey t-shirt with one of Jack's sweaters on top, that he let me borrow, and some warm leggings before putting my hair up in a messy bun and throwing toothpaste in my suitcase before closing it. I hear a knock on my door and turn to see who it is.

"You look terrible, kiddo," Dad said, as I push up my glasses up higher on my nose. I don't really like my glasses due to the sole purpose that I find them annoying. It's like it's always on my face and I don't know, but I find it annoying.

"I haven't slept probably in days," I said, rubbing my eyes.

"Well, I came up to give you this," He said giving me a cup of coffee to which I instantly take and drink. "And to help you with this." Taking the suitcase, that's now closed and takes it off the bed into the floor.

"I made your favourite, chocolate chip pancakes that are waiting for you," Dad said, bringing an instant smile to my face as I run out the room and down the stairs to the kitchen. The smell of it enveloping me. I see Mum sitting at the table, cutting her own pancakes. I see my plate and I sit down, grabbing the maple syrup and drenching them.

"GEEZ! You scared me, honey" Mum said, jumping a bit, placing a hand in her chest.

"Hi, Mum. Gwood Mowrning" I said as my mouth is full of food.

"Morning and please don't talk when your mouth is full, I taught you better than that," she said, before continuing her breakfast.

Dad comes down a few moments later with my suitcase and places it by the door before joining us with his own plate of pancakes.

"You excited, kiddo?" Dad asked, before taking a bite of his pancake and I nod my head.

"You know your father and I are very reluctant on this right? We've never spent Christmas without you and....... We're just worried that's all. But I know Jack will take good care of you" Mum said, touching my arm.

"Yeah, after all the interrogating you and Dad did to him" I teased them, making Dad chuckle, slightly.

"We're just being sure he won't have bad intentions that's all. Especially after what happened with he-that-sh" Mum starts.

"You can say his name, Mum. He's not Voldemort" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Whatever.... just remember to call when you land as well as every morning and night so that we know that you're alright? I don't want anything happening to you again after........." Mum said, trailing off, knowing that it brings back painful memories.

"I will," I said, reassuring her.

Molly is taking all of us on a little vacation to Oia, Greece, where she and her Mom, Kim, go all the time. We leave today after school in Kim's private jet and we'll be spending Christmas and New Years there and we'll be back in the third of January. The doorbell rings and Dad gets up to answer it. I finish my breakfast and put it in the sink before wiping my mouth and walking to Dad who's engaged in a conversation with Jack in the foyer. He notices me and smiles. I walk to him and he envelopes me in his strong, muscular arms. His smell envelopes me and I instantly feel safe in them as he kisses me on top of my head.

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