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Swinging her leg out and bringing it back in one fluid motion was enough to knock a grown man off his feet

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Swinging her leg out and bringing it back in one fluid motion was enough to knock a grown man off his feet. So, poor Jen couldn't stop the harsh impact of her chest and face from hitting the floor.

Grabbing ahold of the blonde's locks and twisting them once around her hand to gain a good grip, Talia pulled mercilessly until she could see the flustered cheeks of the girl she hated.

"Did I or did I not tell you not to underestimate me?" Talia's harsh voice clashed with the ragged breathing from Jennifer as she still lay on her stomach, her head pulled back until her neck began to hurt.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from Colter?" Jennifer spat back despite her unfortunate position.

Looking from one eye to the other, Talia nodded in acceptance, letting go of Jen's hair but not before she slammed her head harshly against the school's abandoned hallway floor. Swinging her hair behind her shoulder, Talia nodded with a jutted lip, taking Jennifer's words into consideration as she leant against the wall with her arms crossed beneath her chest.

"Fair game," she spoke.

Jennifer exhaled raggedly, her chest heaving up and down from Talia's surprise beating. Jennifer had been walking from the bathroom and at first looking to the left she spotted nothing, but turning right was a major jaw-locker. Talia was exiting a classroom with Colter. Though they turned in different directions, Jennifer couldn't help but run up to Talia and push her into a group of lockers.

To Jennifer's surprise Talia didn't seem hurt at all and before Jennifer knew it, she was being dragged down the hallway by her hair.

"You had sex with my boyfriend" Jennifer muttered, standing to her feet as she fixed her once perfect pony tail. "You slut!" She screeched and before she could slam Talia back into the cold wall again, she endured a hard slap and an even bigger shove than she had prepared to unleash on Talia.

Landing hard on her ass, her white shorts collected even more grime from the filthy floors, and Talia couldn't help but laugh at the mess she'd made of Jennifer. Her hair was crazed and strung practically everywhere, her clothes had accustomed a new dirt color, and somehow her shirt had torn near the collar. If she hadn't been the one to do this to her, Talia would think she was attacked or something.

"That little slam into the lockers was the closest time your hands will ever come to touching me. Hell, I even let you do that so I would have an excuse to beat the shit out of you." Talia snickered, throwing her hair over her shoulder again as the length was beginning to take its toll.

"You can't do shit!" Jennifer spat, beginning to stand up as if she had the upper hand.

Clenching her jaw in frustration and anger, Talia's right foot came back leaving no mercy on Jennifer as she got two good kicks to the ribs. Jennifer knew if she stayed where she was on the ground, she would be leaving the advantage of their positions to Talia. The pain was indescribable but as she moved into a push-up position to heave herself up, Talia's fist met her jaw.

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