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He came, he saved me. I knew he would. It felt so good to be in his arms after a long time. I kept holding him.

Suddenly I feel an ache in my stomach, it really hurts.

" stomach..." I couldn't finish, it hurts so bad. I clenched to my stomach.
"What happened Sky? Greg, call the ambulance! NOW!"

The ambulance arrived after some time. They brought the stretcher in and they placed me on it.

Aiden was in the ambulance with me.

"It's alright, baby, it's alright. We are taking you to the hospital now. Just give it some time." He held my hands and comforted me.

We reached the hospital in an hour.

They had taken me to the emergency. I was taken to the ultrasonography unit. A team of doctors arrived.

They started pouring the gel on my stomach and they were monitoring my internals.

"Is my baby fine?" All I could think of is my baby. That's what is on my mind.

"Yes Miss Thomas your baby is absolutely fine, the pain was due to the kicking of the baby." The doctor smiled.

"But I'm afraid, you need to stay in here for some days. You have severe injuries and a minor concussion on your head." The doctor said.

I nod.

They brought the stretcher and took me to the normal cabin. While taking me there, I saw a crowd outside, they were the paparazzi!
Shit! Aiden is whipped now.

He ran after me, in order to avoid the paparazzi.

They shifted me to the presidential suit, as per Aiden said.

The doctor talked to Aiden about the procedures and all.

After clearing up all the formalities, he came up to my suite.

He came closer to me.

"How are you feeling now?" He kissed my forehead.

"I'm ok, not ok." I say.

"What does that mean?"

"I'm unsure of how I feel. My head hurts."

"Should I call Emma for you?" He asked.
The last person I need here is Emma, god I feel so fucking ashamed after our hook-up.

"No it's fine." I say.

"No let me call her." He is so stubborn! I Wouldn't he already did.

"She's on her way, you take some rest." He said.

"Wait, get me a mobile. They broke my previous phone!" I said. Ugh. My hormones are driving me crazy!

"What mobile you want?" He asked.

"Is that even a question? iPhone for sure. And I want the same one that you use." I flirted.

"Ok, I will tell Brad to get you one."

"Thank you." I said in a flirtatious tone. Then I blew a kiss.
He bent forward and placed his lips on mine.

"Get well soon, I will be back in the afternoon. I need to get rid of these assassin clothes." He breathed.

"Come back soon."






Forbidden Pleasures  (COMPLETE) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα