Chapter 14

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Ok, Im going to tell you or write what happen to Ivy over those 4 years. So this is all in the past, which then leads up to Ivy seeing Alec and the others again and continues their conversation. The first scene is when Ivy found Bella and tells her what to do. There will be time jumps. I can't write every little detail that happen in those 4 years

The night Ivy "died". Bella and Ivy in the padded room...

"I need you to tell the others I died. That Klaus found me and dragged me in here. He made you watch as he beat me then killed me. He took the body and ran. Ivy Black died."
"Because it will be better if I left. No more sacrifice for me, I will sacrifice myself for the ones I love."
"I love you sis."
"I love you too." I grab her in one last hug. I was never going to see her again.
"Now scream." I run out of the room as Bella's screams continued. I knock down a window and jump out. I run for hours and hours. I was covered in blood and in need of water. It was night time and I was at my end. The last thing I remember was passing out on the road.

        A bright light was shining through my eye lids. Beeping was replying in my head. I sit up, but get pushed back by unknown hands.
"Miss you need to rest. You've been through a lot. It's lucky that you and your baby survived." My eyes snap open. Baby?
"I'm sorry, did you say baby?" A lady in blue scrubs was standing by the white and blue hospital bed. I was hooked up to many machines. How did I get here?
"You were found on the road by a couple. They brought you here. Yes, baby. Congratulations, your pregnant. About 6 weeks now." And 6 weeks ago, I was with Alec. Alec is the father. But I'm dead. No matter, I have to stick to my plan. I can't let this baby be involved in that line of work.
"What's your name Miss?"
"Ivy...Ivy North." I thought best not to give them my last name. Who knows, they might find me.
"Well Miss North, you can be released as soon as possible. Do you have anywhere to go?"
"That's fine, you can stay with me. I'm Quinn."
"Nice to meet you."

5 months later

      Quinn and I became fast friends. The next day I got released and I went to the bank. I pulled out some money to help my baby and I. Quinn and I live in New Orleans where she works as a nurse, trying to become a doctor and I, as a lazy ass soon to be mother.
       I missed Blair and Bella the most. They were my girls. I hope this is a girl. I would totally name her Mercy. Like middle name or something. But if it's a boy...I don't wanna get into that.

          Quinn was working while I was eating peanut butter on the couch. My stomach was becoming insanely big, the only thing that fit were sweatpants and big shirts. 
          As I binge watch The Vampire Diaries, someone knocks on our penthouse door. I struggle to get up and walk to the door.
"Quinn, you have to stop leaving your key here..." Quinn wasn't at the door. It was Xander and Zach. There eyes went big at my face. Then went even bigger at my stomach.

"Your not dead...and your pregnant." Xander says
"What are you doing here?" I ask
"We got a lead on something, turns out it was right." Zach pushes himself in followed by Xander. I close the door and lock it before turning to them.
"Does anyone else know?"
"No." Xander says
"Ivy, who's the fa..."
"You have..."
"I'm not going back. I will not put my child in that lifestyle."
"Ivy, if it's a boy..."
"Then I'll deal. This is my baby and I will not put him or her in harms way."
"Aside from that. We missed you."
"I missed you too." The water works crushed through the gates and I was creating a pool of water. The guys look at me weird.
"It's the hormones." The both join me in a hug, trying not to squash me.
"But Bella..."
"She knew. I told her not to tell. And I know it's a lot, but please..."
"We won't. We understand your reasoning, even though it's not the best way of handling things."
"I hope that you guys visit again."
"We aren't leaving anytime soon."

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