Chapter 4

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Whatz up? Sorry it took so long for me to update another chapter. luv ya hope ya like this chapter. unedited

Claire's POV

I just got to school and haven't seen the boys at all yet. I just hope it stays that way. I don't want to get hurt today. BRRRRRIIIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGG!!!! My phone ringing  brought me out of my thoughts.

       "Hello?" "Claire I'm sorry for calling you at this time but I just needed to tell you to come home straight after school because your aunts wedding is tonight," my mom told me. "Okay, what does my dress look like by the way?" I asked. "Its a strapless, lace, lilac  colored dress." Oh okay, thanks, luv ya, bye." I hung up the phone before she said anything. I'm screwed if the boys are here today, I thought.

       "OMG, thank goodness they are here, I thought that they wouldn't come today for a second." some random girl exclaimed. I looked toward the front doors and sure enough they were there. Looking as cocky and egotistic as ever.

       They spotted me and started walking my way. "Looky here its her majesty, queen of the geeks and nerds," Jaxon sneered. "Look guys I can't get any bruises or anything today," I said as confidently as I could. "Why shouldn't we," Marcus asked. "Because I'm going to my aunts wedding," I replied.

       "Aren't you gonna wear a long sleeved dress?" Diego asked sounding concerned. pfffft like he would care about me. "No Diego my dress is strapless," I said in a monotone voice. "Dude, let her off the hook just this once," said Brendan, trying to reason with Jaxon. "Fine but just this once nerd," he said sounding frustrated. They all began to walk away as the warning bell rang.

       I started walking to class when I heard someone running behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw Brendan rushing toward me. "What do you want," I asked with irritation in my voice. "Hand me your phone," he demanded. I placed my phone in his hand praying that he wouldn't smash it on the ground. "There you have my number now, so if you ever want to talk then you can" he explained while walking away. I looked down at my phone. I was about to ask him a question when I saw he was gone. "Oh well," I muttered.


(In class)

"Okay class sit in your seats," Mr. Krabs announced. I sat in my seat when a new girl came in. "Class this is Makayla Styles," the teacher introduced. Makayla waved and started heading towards the empty seat next to me. 'Please don't sit next to me' I thought.

       "Hey," I heard someone whisper. I looked around to find Makayla talking to me. 'Oh god she's going to think I'm a social outcast and start bullying me like the others' I kept thinking. "Helloooo anyone in there," she asked. "Ya just lost in thought I guess," I replied sheepishly. She smiled," I do that all the time so don't worry." 'Nerds aren't supposed to have friends, got it?' Jaxon's voice rang out in my head.

Knock Knock. "Ow what was that for?" I asked. "You were lost in thought again," Makayla replied. "Sorry, what were you saying though." "I asked if you wanted to be friends," she said. "I-I-I can't I'm sorry," I said ashamed. "Oh okay," she said sadly. "So what is your relation to harry?" I asked. "I'm his sister," she whispered. "Spill," I whispered excitedly.


Makayla's POV

"Excuse me, but are you Makayla?" I heard someone ask me from behind me. I turned around and saw a handsome boy. oh he has such pink lips and I can see abs through his shirt. He's so bad boy perfect! "Um yah, who's asking" "My name is Brendan." "Nice to meet you Brendan, who are they?" I asked motioning towards the 4 boys behind him. (In this order) "Jaxon, Marcus, Jayson, and Diego." "Nice to meet you all," I said politely.

       "She's pretty." I heard Brendan whisper to Jaxon. "She is," he agreed. I blushed and tried to hide my face in my hair. I wasn't very successful in that. "Look she's blushing," Diego pointed out causing all the boys to look at me. "Am not!" I denied. "Yah right, wanna hang out with us at lunch in a few minute" Jaxon asked slinging an arm around my shoulder. "Sure just let me drop off stuff at my locker." I said. "Kay see ya in a few minutes," Marcus yelled over his shoulder while walking off.

I started walking towards my locker when I noticed a red haired girl waiting by my locker. I walked past her and put my stuff in my locker and was about to walk off when I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around and found myself facing the girl. "Listen slut, stay away from Jaxon and the rest of the boys okay?" she said in a menacing voice then stalked off leaving me dumbfounded. "Crap I've been here half a day and I already have a jealous, pathetic whore on my butt, great just great" I thought to myself as I walked to the cafeteria.


heeeeeey whatz up?!?! IM SOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG FOR ME TO UPDATE, PLEASE DONT KILL ME!!! IM ONLY 12!!!!!! OH and when I can I'll post pictures of the characters and see which famous person they look like, kk? Thank you oh and after I do that will anyone make a trailer for this story. I can't so if anyone wants to then message me and I'll dedicate one of the chapters to you. please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you mkay bye~kyky

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