Heather looked in anger and embarrassment at the window of the common room, where a group of her fellows were pushing to look at the scene, shouting and waving to get Marco to hear them. She shooed them away frustratedly and hid her red face in her scarf. A chuckle rumbled above her and she looked up to find Marco giggling like an idiot. After he and the kids calmed down, conveniently giving her facs the time to un-redden, Marco looked back at her with a sheepish grin.

"Yeah, I was, talking about that adoption stuff- not like some mommy chicken and kid relationship! I just live in a crappy apartment with my depressed gloomy mom, so it gets lonely... Thought, I'd ask my best buddy if she wanted to keep me company?" The stupidity of the kids at the window perfectly succeeded making him more at ease.

Heather turned and returned the question in her mind. Did she want it? It wasn't the thing she'd dreamed of her entire life, but it was a once in a lifetime opportunity not to pass. Could she leave her life and friends and her entire life here behind? And could Marco get bored of a girl who can't take care of herself for her size and couldn't even speak? It could be hell to take care of her, and she knew it too well. She had every reason to say no, but...

"Say yes! Say yes! C'mon just accept!" The kids pushed each other to get to the window and encourage her. Heather looked at the window, and at her friends nodding at her and giving her encouraging smiles. A small smile crept on her own face and her head lowered itself unconsciously as she remembered the good times she had for the past month...

Hesitantly, she looked up at Marco with an unreadable expression, and the little crowd went silent and expectedly awaited Heather's answer. When a smile crept again on her face it made Marco's grin widen and spread on his face. And when the little group saw the beginning of the sign for 'Yes' They didn't wait any longer to cheer with all their might. Even the caretakers who came to see what was going on clapped lightly to join in the joyous movement.

And Heather had to admit, as much as she wasn't a crybaby, she couldn't hold back her happy tears for the most magical moment in her life.


Heather lived for a year with Marco, and life was great with him. They hung out less, sure, but he showed her tons of ways to entertain herself forever: They had movie nights and watched cartoons made by a guy called Pixar, they played board games and cooked together, read comic books and had naps, they made pillow forts -rather kingdoms from her perspective-, and they just had fun everyday. Marco even cared to bring her to the orphanage sometimes to see her friends.

But she had to admit, she often had sleepless nights, thinking of the day when he'd get bored of her. Maybe it could be in a day, in a year, in ten years, or right now. Maybe it could even never happen. But she'd always had this fear that he wouldn't find her good enough.

Until the present day.

Heather woke up in the morning, and laid in her makeshift bed on the night stand, letting her thoughts wander. Somehow, she thought of the idea that plagued her mind and, to her surprise, it didn't affect at all. She thought of it as strongly as she could but the idea didn't scare her at all. And now that she thought of it, it had been quite some time since the thought occurred to her.

Much to her joy, Heather realized that she trusted Marco entirely, that he wouldn't get bored of her anytime soon.

... Which brings us to the beginning of this story.

They both were in the kitchen, Marco making breakfast -which really was just eggs and juice every morning- and making glorious grimaces to try to cheer up Heather, who sat on the counter edge with her fave scrunched up in deep thoughts. She was really eager to give him something as a thank you gift. But what could she give him? Anything handmade would be to small for him... A letter would be childish and cheesy. Maybe something like a performance to show him like a magic trick? Nah, it sounded stupid- what about... She remembered doing something for her brother back when they lived together, and one of the few memories she had of him was the look of pure amazement and pride on his face when she performed. Could she still do it thought? It's been years, and she reserved that for her brother only, but...

Well, maybe was it worth a shot?

Heather curled her mouth in a 'o' and exhaled lightly. Nothing came out. But eventually she made a whistling sound, then in a few more attempts, she got back the gist of it. Noticing the strange silence, she looked up at Marco, to find him looking at her with a goofy smile already creeping onto his face. She felt immense pride welling up inside of her at the effect this already had.

Heather took a deep breath, and started whistling a nice tune she'd heard in the television. She whistled the melody for a few minutes, her trained lungs not needing to take to many longing pauses. She enjoyed seeing Marco's smile widen until it covered his entire face and showed all his teeth. And if she didn't know better, she'd have thought his eyes tear up a little at hearing her make a sound for the very first time.

She had to hold her own smile back to go on with the tune. A warm feeling invaded her chest and nearly suffocated her, she was beyond happy at this moment.

Did she say she reserved this for her brother only? Well, maybe her giant buddy was deserving of it too.

Strange Sizes (G/T Oneshots)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن