Chapter 17: Hospital care

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You left the room because the sister say you have to. You give Marcus one more kiss and said everything is gonna be alright.

~Lia's thoughts~
I hope he is gonna be better soon. I really want to see him again. I think i'm about to go home. I've seen my mother for like 2 or 3 days.

You are saying Martinus goodbye while he is whaiting for his mom. "Bye Tinus, take care of Marcus!" You said while walking away. You are walking home because it's only 10 minutes away from here.

~walking for 10 minutes~

You finally arrived at your home and open the door. Your mother came downstairs to look who it was. She run up to you and hugged you. "Omg Lia, i've missed you so much!!" Mom said. "I missed you to mom" i said. "What happend you look so sad?" Mom asked rubbing my back. "Well.. you have to sit down if you want to hear the whole story" I said.

~Telling mom what happend with Marcus~

"Yea, that's it.. so i'm very tired about all this" you said while rubbing your eyes because your tired. "Well go to bed and rest because you are stressed and that's not good" mom said while hitting my ass to go upstairs.

~Lia's thoughts~
I love my mom, it's like I can tell her anything. Like I think i'm about to say that I had sex with Marcus but not tommorow. I think about a month haha. I hope Marcus is okay...

~Switch to the hospital~

Marcus his mom is arriving and runs to his room. She slowly opens the door. "Hi hunny, how are you?" His mom asked. "I'm doing great mom, really" Marcus awnsered. "Lady he has to rest, can you leave this room?" The sister said with a lovely voice. Because she was really nice but he really needed to rest. "Okay, I am just checking if he is okay" his mom said. "Yes He is going fine. You can visit him tommorow he has to sleep now." The sister said.

I hate him, i love himDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora