Chapter 14: Sleepover part 2

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You get dressed because it's late. You call you mom and tell her everything what happend while Marcus is in the shower. You tell her all about Marcus how cute he is and his family. When Marcus came in you tell you mother goodbye and tell her that you are sleeping here. Marcus has wet hair and only boxer on and shorts. He lays next to you but you only lay in your T-Shirt and that's it. Your bearly dressed. He looks at you and say "Lia you look beautiful" he said with a blushing face.

~Lia's thoughts~
He is so cute and his hair is messy. I'm so tired but I can look at him all day.

You both are tired but it's not that late so you dicited to watch a movie. You opend Netflix on his tv and scrolled on the home screen for a nice movie to watch. You see the movie "The kissingbooth" you already have seen the movie but Marcus hasn't. So you clicked on the movie. He lay on his belly with your head and he is playing with your hair while watching the movie. You fall asleep and Marcus noticed. When the movie was over he slowly turns the tv off and took the blanket to cover you and because you are Marcus his blanket.

~Sleeping till something woke you up~

You woke up and you are still laying on his belly. He slowly woke up to. Marcus slowly started talking. "Goodmorning babe" marcus said with a morningvoice. "Goodmorning Marcus" you responded. You both got up and go downstairs for breakfast. Martinus is sitting on the kitchen table en Emma too and their mom is standing in the kitchen making food to bring to school. You didn't dressed for school, Marcus too so he is in his boxer and that's it hehe. You are sittin next to Martinus and Marcus is sitting next to Emma. You eat your breakfast and you and Marcus are going upstairs to get dressed.

I hate him, i love himМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя