Chapter 8: Famous boy

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You walked away and Marcus came after you. You just walked to his house but Marcus was still at school. You knocked on the door and Martinus opend the door. You were crying so hard so Martinus hugged you and asked "Omg Lia what happend? What did Marcus do?". He quit the hug and take your hand and lead you to his room while your crying. "lia tell me, what happend?" Martinus asked. "Okay well Marcus and I are in a relation ship right now and we had a great time last night, like nothing happend we just kissed and when we did go to school he just left me and go to his friends, and when I walk up to him he sad *Hey sexylittle thang* or something like that. And then he came after me and wanted to explane it and the I told him to suck my asshole and walked away" you said while crying and laughing about the word asshole. Martinus laughed a little bit and said "Look you don't have to be mad at Marcus because he does that with me too, he just left me and go with his friends. That's because every girl in the school likes him and want him so bad. So it he gets a girlfriend everyone is getting mad at you and Marcus don't want that people are going to hate you and bully you because they want to be you." Martinus said while rubbing my back.

~Lia's thoughts~
Maybe he is right because he came after me while I was crying and wanted to explane it. And I called him an asshole. Omg I have to go to Marcus and tell him I love him.

I hate him, i love himحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن